6 Tips to Make Your Cat’s Fur Shiny, Soft and Smooth

You may wonder why your cat’s fur becomes unattractive, dull and dry compared to your friends’ or relatives’ glossy cats. Some causes play a part in preventing this four-legged animal’s hair from producing the desired result of a healthy coat. Most vets will relate the issue to the lack of nourishment, mainly protein and fat, as the result of a diet without supervision. The absence of the direct care of the cat’s fur and skin is also crucial in helping the development of a gloomy hair. You miss grooming your cat, then a couple of times later she ends up suffering dead hair and many parasites, yikes!

It is worth giving more attention to your cat’s fur. Rather than for the sole purpose of an aesthetic appeal, you can gain your cat’s health as well as make the cat’s fur shiny, soft and smooth by following the tips below.

1. Brush the fur

Sometimes you may find a cat licking another cat and end up in interpreting it as a mere affection towards each other. It is partially true. This occasion is associated with cats’ habit to clean themselves. Because the self-grooming cannot be done thoroughly alone, cats rely on the additional treatment from the third party.

Given the fact, it has become mandatory for cat owners to regularly brush their pets. By declining to do so, your cat can be affected by many problems related to skin and coat.

It is generally known that cats with long hair are more prone to mats and tangles. Hence, they need more treatment than shorthaired cats. Longhaired cats should be brushed at least once a day, while the shorthaired cats only need one to three brushing times a week. The ways to brush each of them is also different. Learn how to properly brush your cat here.

Brushing session can be a right time to check for parasites, mats or other issues. Do not hesitate to ask a vet for help if you find something that cannot be solved on your own.

2. Bath your cat

Bathing should be done routinely, yet in moderation. A frequent bath can make the cat’s coat dull and dry the skin since the essentially natural oil contained through the coat is being reduced. Therefore, it is suggested to take your cat to the bath once every four to six weeks.

In addition, you should learn that cat shampoo is exclusively made by considering the pH of the cat’s skin that differs from human’s. It is added by the fact that cats’ dermis cannot restrain the normal pH of the human. Hence, giving your cat access to human or even dog shampoo can lead to an irritation, itching and even forcing your pet to shed much hair.

3. Give proper nourishment

A glossy, smooth and soft fur comes with a healthy diet. You can associate the healthiness of your cat’s fur with the food she eats. If you find your cat’s fur become suddenly worse the day you change its regular meal, your cat may be sensitive to the food.

You should learn that a perfect meal for cats consists of an equal amount of carbohydrate, mineral, protein and vitamin. Since generic brands unlikely offer such complete nutrition and likely results in a dull coat, you may spend more money to buy a premium food that covers all necessary compositions. It may spend you more money, but it properly fulfills your cat’s daily nourishment.

Most vets will recommend you fish, fish oil or other fish-based food to improve fur quality. It is rendered by the fact that fish stores a rich nutrition called omega-3 that serves many health benefits to not just only hair but also immune system, joint health and many more. Be aware when serving a fish to your cat though. Raw fish retains bacteria or parasite, which is not good for your cat’s health. The same can be said to meats.

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4. Make your cat less dehydrate

Besides a proper diet, water is the key to the beneficent of a good fur. Cats with enough consumption of water will produce a shiny hair without any sign of skin flakes. You can also feel its skin elasticity if your cat is hydrated.

To provide your cat’s necessity of water, you need to make it always available and accessible. In addition, you have to recognize the usual time your cat drinks. Cats normally drink two and a half times the volume of dry food they eat. So, it takes five ounces of water if your cat eats two ounces of dry food per day.

You should also know how to serve water. Cats would not drink from a source that gives off a nasty smell. It is better to clean the water container daily with a detergent. Avoid using a plastic bowl since it can cause acne. Supply not only one water station around your house and keep your cat away from drinking at unwanted sources.

5. Give suitable remedies

A special nutrient contained within some substances can be used as a cat’s fur quality booster. Try applying some of these substances to your cat.

  • Coconut oil

Along with functions of improving cat’s immune and digestive system as well as coping with fur ball and bad health, the oil of this hard-shelled fruit can help your cat to deal with numerous coat related issues, such as dry skin, allergies and itchiness.

It is suggested that you take ¼ to ½ of one to two teaspoons a day. You can feed it directly or by mixing it with a strong smelled canned cat food. You should find other alternatives if this substance causes a minor problem to your cat’s stomach.

  • Egg yolk

What reside inside those shells is what make eggs so special for the care of the cat’s fur. Both the yolk and the white are useful for the healthiness of the hair. Each serves a different, rather opposite effect for cat’s hair. Choose between the yolk and the white, separately. The yolk is composed of a very nutritious, stickier substance, making it effective to darken and to brighten the fur. It should be applied to cats with short and dark hair. On the contrary, the white, which is less nutritious and less dense, is capable of removing dirt and lighten the hair. It is better used for cats with long and light hair.

Stir either the yolk or the white with a glass of warm water. After the bath and the light rinse, apply the mixture gently on the cat’s fur with a sponge, but leave the face and the genitals untouched. Completely spread it using your fingers and wait for the effect to work in five minutes. Rinse and brush it afterward. Make sure no mixture left.

  • Honey

Honey is rich in nutrition that makes your cat’s fur shiny, soft and smooth! It is very similar to yolk or egg white. Simply mix and stir a tablespoon of honey with half a liter of warm water. Follow the same instructions as of when using the yolk mixture.

  • Keratin

Keratin is a natural protein and cats’ hair (as well as dog’s and human’s) is mostly formed from the exact substance. The protein that contained within keratin can strengthen the cat’s hair and give it more weight, making your fur soft, bright and silky.

You can find keratin on almost every shampoo specifically made for cats. However, you have to ask the expert first before using it on your pet.

  • Beer

One thing you must note: alcohol is lethal for any cat. This suggestion only works for alcohol-free beers.

Aside from that, beer provides its nutrient to the cat’s hair and its roots, producing a more flexible, soft and glossy fur. You only need a slightly warm beer and apply it the same way you use honey to your feline.

6. Ask your vet

Rather than common issues such as loose hair and fleas, you should recognize any other disease cats might harbor beneath their coat. It is possible for any cat to ail feline acne, dermatitis and stud tail that eventually enable further damage to the coat, such as baldness and skin lesion.

Added to that, any odd appearance in cats’ coat may be a sign of many illnesses you would not even notice. A greasy hair might be connected to diabetes and other internal diseases. For this reason, you have the right to ask your vet if something wrong occurs in your pet’s fur.