Tricks on How to Get your Cat Closer to your Dog

Cats and dogs, can they be friends? One thing for sure about cats and dogs are they are lovely pets! Cats are aloof and easily startled while dogs are territorial animals. If you’re looking at the two distinctive characteristics of these two lovely pets, you might think that they will never be able to share the same space.

However, you’re wrong! Jackson Galaxy, the host of the Animal Planet said that cats and dogs can be friends if you can bring up together the positive, loving and encouraging environment. So, it is really possible to bring your cats close to your dogs!

You can start the process by reading these tips on how to introduce a newly dog to your cat.

Again, the key of a harmonious relationship between dogs and cats is the owner. That’s why if you plan to bring your cats and dogs together, then you should surely continue reading this. Let’s see the tricks on how to get your cats closer to your dog!

  • Give your cat a territory before meeting the dog

Cats are natural climbers, so it is suggested to give a vertical space as their territory. You can consider buying tall cat trees, shelves or a bed to place a cat atop a bookcase.

By providing the cats a territory, they will be able to watch the dog from the safe distance without touching the floor. In case something bad happens between these two creatures, your cats have got their safe place.

Another thing to highlight is keep your dogs away from the litter box. Cats don’t like to be disturbed while they are doing their business, so keeping the litter box away will be safe for the cats.

Avoid putting the litter box in these 4 worst spots for your cats litter boxes. Dogs tend to snack on cat feces too, which is a very bad habit as they can be contracted intestinal parasites.

  • Focus on the personality, not the breed

There is a popular belief that certain breeds of cats and dogs don’t get along each other. However, it is not that important. You should consider the personality better than the breed. If a dog is aggressive and territorial, then it won’t fit in a household with a skittish cat.

If you have aggressive dogs, then you should consider following these tips for handling previously aggressive abused dogs.

If you observe that the two animals don’t end up match in personality, then you should consider having a backup plan or setting up the arrangement in the house to separate them for the long term. If you’re adopting a pet, make sure to ask the previous owner if that pet lived with other animals before or got along well with them.

  • Train the dog

To be successful in making your dog closer to your cat, you need to teach your dog to control his impulses. It’s also better to keep a leash in your hand during the first several meetings of the cat and dog.

While training dogs, some owners use food as treats or reward. See if it is effective to use food when train a dog.

  • Get your dog exercising his body and mind

Exercising a dog for about 20 minutes is suggested to every dog owner. Why? By exercising, the dog is able to release his energy somewhere else. As a result, the dog is able to slow down his brain and control himself while he is around kitties. Try to do these simple exercises for your dog to maintain its health. It’s fun!

Your dog needs a lot of stimulation. Instead of just walking, you can stop and do a sit five times on every block. You can modify the speed and the direction as well. If you don’t have time to do this, then you can hire a dog walker or enrolling him in a dog daycare.

  • Follow the noses

You can let your cat and dog sniff each other’s bedding before a face-to-face introduction. By sniffing each other, they will be able to satisfy your curiosity and avoid potential unwanted battles.

  • Finally, plan the meeting carefully

Similar to humans, dogs and cats have one good chance to make a great first impression. They both love food, so it might help them love each other.

You can schedule the first meeting of the cat and the dog during a mealtime. Still, you need to keep the dog on a leash and both animals are sitting on the opposite side of a closed door.

The cats and dogs won’t see each other, but they will surely smell each other while chewing on their food. By doing this, they will connect the smell of the food to the presence of each other. So, they will think of something positive while meeting each other later.