12 Ways to Understand Your Dog’s Wishes – Must Learn!

To be able to understand your dog’s wishes, you need to communicate with your dog. Just as when we want to understand the wishes of others (person), we communicate, as do our dogs. This is what you need to realize first. Dogs certainly cannot speak, thats why you need to know about ways to understand your dog’s wishes.

There are many ways dogs communicate, there are:

  • Vocalization (dog sounds).
  • Body movements.
  • Facial expressions.
  • Body (for example, like tail and ear).

Dogs use all of that to communicate with humans. Even though dogs don’t talk, you can know what your dog wants by reading this article.

Ways to understand your dog’s wishes!

1. Learn about your dog’s personality

Learning about habits, behavior, and movements through supervision will allow you to understand the dog’s communication process so that it feels more natural. There are many things that you will eventually be able to understand without explanation. Just like every unique person, your dog is also unique, because every dog has a different personality.

Why is this important? Because the way of communicating or the language of the dog is not too visible. If you don’t learn, know, and pay attention to the way your dog communicates, this will make it difficult for you to know the wishes and needs of the dog. This is especially dangerous if you don’t realize that your dog has grief, sadness, or even depression. Read about How To Tell That Your Dog Is Truly Sad.

Like humans who communicate 2 ways, dogs and humans also like that. That’s why dogs can understand your instructions, behavior, your expression, posture, and body language. That’s why dogs can be trained, listen, and do your commands. Please learn more about How to Make a Dog Listen to Your Command. Because of this, you need to be very careful in expressing yourself so that your dog will not be confused.

You also need to know about 1 important thing about this topic, that the way each dog communicate varies based on his race. The way you communicate with 1 dog, will be different from other dogs.

2. Eye

Many people say that the eyes can tell what you feel. Dogs can read yourself through the way you look at them. So, do not give a sharp look to your dog because it will make him uncomfortable. However, on the other hand your dog can also tell you what he wants through his eyes to you.

Movement of dog’s eyes such as:

  • Wide-open eyes indicate that your dog feels alert, cheerful, and ready to do something.
  • If your dog gives a sharp look, shows that he feels dominant and shows challenging behavior.
  • Your dog avoids eye contact? He is showing politeness, avoidance, or obedience.
  • Your dog’s eyes blink, your dog wants to play.
  • If your dog shrinks the eyes, the dog may feel aggressive and prepare to attack.

3. Body movement

Another way dogs communicate to you is through body movements. Consider the following points about dog body movements that aim to tell you something.

  • The dog rolls over to attract your attention.
  • Your dog shows a stomach? This means that he wants to attract your attention and wants you to stroke his stomach. However, besides that, a dog that shows a stomach can also mean that it gives up on a threat.
  • Dogs that like to ride on people’s feet show that the dog wants to say that he is stressed or not confident and tries to make friends with other animals. However, there could be other meanings.
  • Sneezing or yawning excessively or improperly licking lips, avoiding eye contact, looking down, looking up and tensing the body, may indicate that he is uncomfortable with what you are doing. When the dog does these things, it shows that your dog wants you to stop what you do.
  • If your dog is swinging their hips, your dog is wanting to play. If your dog swings his hip on another dog, it shows that your dog wants to play with that dog.
  • If your dog thrusts his butt at you, this shows that your dog wants you to scratch it or to show that he trusts you.
  • If the dog raises the soles of his feet to touch the knee or other parts of your body, this means he wants attention, makes a request or asks for permission, or shows a desire to play.

4. Tail

Body parts that dogs often use to communicate to convey their feelings and wishes are tails. Pay attention to some of the tail movements below and their meanings:

  • The swaying tail and butt show that the dog is really happy.
  • A little swaying tail means that the dog is alert.
  • Tense and rising tails show full vigilance.
  • The down tail shows normal condition.
  • The tail tucked between the legs shows that the dog is afraid or sick.
  • If your dog’s tail is wobbling loudly and standing up, he is looking for fun and wants to disturb you or his friend.

5. Ear

Unlike the human ear, a dog can also use his ears to tell what he wants.

  • A dog whose ears are leaning forward or upright means he is concentrating on playing, hunting, or focusing on one particular thing.
  • This ear position can also indicate that your dog is curious about something, wants to do something or want to pursue something he heard because the hearing of the dog is quite sharp.
  • A dog that attaches his ear to the surface of the head indicates that he feels scared or threatened. Read about Outdoor Dangers That Will Threat Your Dog While Playing Outside.
  • A forward-leaning ear in a position close to his head can also show that he is aggression.
  • If your dog points his ears back but does not stick to his head, your dog is conveying that he is having feelings of unhappiness, anxiety, or uncertainty.

6. Face

Just like humans, dogs often show their feelings through facial expressions. Understanding facial expressions can help you know your dog’s feelings and communicate with him.

  • If your dog’s facial expression is smiling, your dog is happy and relaxed.
  • Humans yawn for various reasons. It could be because you sleepy, lack of oxygen, fatigue, stress, and so on. A dog that yawns can be to relieve tension, show confusion, or when it feels threatened, especially when it comes to situations, animals, or new dogs.
  • Pay attention to the position of the mouth. Dogs that feel very stressed, scared, or in pain will pull their mouths back, or the position of the mouth is closed or slightly open.
  • If your dog licks lips while yawning, he may feel stressed, depressed, or face challenges.
  • If your dog shows his teeth, this shows that he is showing an aggressive feeling and biting desire. However, you need to learn more about this and other body languages.

7. Dog vocalization

Another way to understand what your dog wants and needs is to understand the meaning of your dog’s voice. This includes understanding your dog’s barking, growling, crying and howling.

The vocalization that your dog brings out can mean many things. The voices your dog let out can mean that your dog is on standby and ready to prey, is asking for permission, is being aggressive or wants to defend his territory, is commemorating members of the flock, giving greetings, want to play, in pain, or to commemorate the opponent to retreat.

There are many things you need to learn about dog vocalization, so take your time and learn it slowly. For example, you can learn about Effective methods to train your dog bark at strangers.

8. Learn dog needs

Like humans, dogs have emotional needs, as well as physical needs. Dogs need your attention when they behave abnormally.

9. Feel their feelings

Dogs have some of the same emotions as humans. Dogs can show feelings of sadness, jealousy, or shame. You must take care of your dog gently and lovingly to be able to keep his emotions stable and especially happy.

10. Do activities together

Dogs love to do things. So, invite him to work together, play and do various activities together. That way, your dog will feel that he is valued.

11. Communicate effectively

As we discussed earlier, communication with dogs is the main way you can understand their wishes. So, communicate effectively with your dog. Find out more about how you can communicate with your dog.

12. Ask for advice

Dogs and their owners can get many benefits by finding quality dog trainers. Dog trainers can help you and your dog learn to communicate better and become a more effective team.

Those are some ways to understand your dog’s wishes. Try applying and good luck knowing and understanding your dog!