7 Ways to Raising Broiler Chickens Commercially

Raising broiler chickens commercially isn’t too different with raise broiler chickens in farms regularly. Broiler chickens farms used commercially because of the high and a lot profits. The quick harvest period makes many people change their muse to this business. The difference between commercially farm and un-commercially placed in the economy activity in the farm. If you used the farm to only fill your necessary, so that calls as un-commercially. But if you used for trade market necessary, it calls commercial. If you interest to try this business, here are 7 ways to raising broiler chickens commercially.

1. Make a team and schedule

The difference between commercially broiler and those that are only used as personal fulfillment is the team that is located inside. Ordinary broiler chicken farms will not have a team in the farm because all work is done in odd quantities. This is not very good for livestock because it cannot produce maximum work. That’s why if you intend to establish farms commercially form a team with their respective job descriptions. But the problem is when you want to build this business but you don’t have people to make a team. You can schedule the timetable to manage your farm. You also can ask help to your family like brother or sister to accompany you to manage the chickens.

2. Business license

Commercial broiler farms must have a business permit especially if the scale of the farm is large. With the existence of this business permit, the farm will avoid various kinds of undesirable things such as forces evictions, demonstrations from local residents and others. Business licenses are not only limited to the permission of neighbors, but must be complete including permits in build the buildings for livestock business.

3. Cooperating with related office

The guideline for managing commercial broiler farms that is important to consider is have to collaborate with related agencies. This service will provide calm counseling on how to provide the right vaccine and how to maintain broiler chickens properly. By working with the farmer service, it can avoid things that are not pleasant in the future, such as the issue of unhealthy meat which can be prevented by statement from this service. Many professional and commercial farmer who are now starting to collaborate with the ministry especially the increasingly fierce chicken business competitions, makes business competitors take unhealthy ways to bring down rival business.

4. Clinically tested feed

The guide to managing commercial broiler farm is to pay attention the chicken feed. Chicken feed is very influential on the growth of broiler chickens that are on the farm. These commercial broiler farms mostly use sterile and high quality-factory feed.

5. Chicks picking

All types of farm business such as how to raise broiler chicken and choose superior chicks are important factors and determine the success or failure of farm business. Choose the superior chick doesn’t mean you have to choose the big one, but you have to choose the one which high quality. It must be health and fresh. The good quality is also determines the ability to life survive. Also, the quality determines the health mentality. The superior chicks guarantee for quickly raise process and good result. Beside selective for the chicks, make sure the sires also have active movements even thought their bodies are very fat. Also, make sure the feathers are shiny and clean. There is not much dirt in the nostrils and also the ass. And, for the most ideal chicks are 39 grams.

Here are 3 grades of chicks:

  • Grade A

The chicks are provide by high well-known companies by choosing the best chicks products and sold at the most expensive prices. The chick’s weight is not less than 40 grams and health.

  • Grade B

The weight is around 30-40 grams. Grade B is still of high quality because generally all chicks don’t have physical and healthy disabilities, but only lower body weight.

  • Grade C

Grade C is the lowest broiler chickens in grade C or often also known as plain grade, often found these puppies have physical defects in the legs, wings or even in the eyes and other parts. While the weight is also generally lighter and the price is also the cheapest. This grade is often bought by broiler traders as toy chickens that have been colored by their feathers with various attractive colors.

6. Treatment steps

To makes the growth is optimal and moreover faster, you need the well treatment steps. These steps will guide you about the characteristic of broiler chicken based on its days old.

  • First week (1-7 days)

Move the chicks to the heater then give warm drinking water and sugar (day 1). For day 2 and so on you can use ordinary water. Give the initial feed for chicks in the form of small gains or crumbles. The amount of the feed given is at least 13 grams per head or 1,3 kilograms for the needs of 100 chickens. Whereas, the first vaccination will be carry out on the 4th day.

  • Second week (8-14 days)

In the second week, it still requires supervision but it is lighter than the first week. The temperature can be lowered. Feed needed in the second week is 33 grams per chickens or 3,3 kilograms per 100 chickens.

  • Third week (15-21 days)

During the daytime, the heater can be turned off. The amount of feed needed is 48 grams per chicken. The second vaccination is carried out again this week, especially towards the end of the week or near the 21st day.

  • Fourth week (22-28 days)

Heaters can be removed, because at this age chicken feathers have started for dense and enough to warm his body. The feed needed is 65 grams per chicken.

  • Fifth week (29-35 days)

The amount of feed needed is more, which is 88 grams per chicken. Before the age of 35 days, do a sampling body weight again. The ideal body weight is 1,8 -2 kilograms.

  • Sixth week (36-42 days)

At this age, the chicken is ready for harvest. The floor must be kept dry and always maintain the cleanliness of the cage.

  • Vaccination

Well beside as step to treat the broiler chicken, giving vaccination will optimizing the growth of broiler chicken. The analogy is when something ruined system, we have to remove it right? Same with this thing, vaccination helps us to remove the disease in order to optimizing the process of growth, moreover make it faster. Vaccine is a weakened or already disabling microorganism that causes pain or is immunogenic which means it can stimulate or stimulate immune formation in the body. In the process id administering vaccines or what is known as vaccination can be done by mixing vaccines with drinking water, drop vaccination, and injection vaccination. Before vaccinating, there are a number of things that you need to be considered, here is the following explanation:

  • Good vaccine storage method

Keep the vaccine in the refrigerator with temperatures between 2-8 C. Do store it in the freezer section. Avoid vaccine from heat and sunlight directly. Keep out of reach of children. If the vaccine will be transported to a place that is quite far away, place it in a place that has goo insulation properties to the temperature in the outside environment. The right container is a thermos or stereo foam box, don’t forget to put ice in the container.

  • Situation and condition that need to be considered before administering the vaccine

Look over the type of vaccine to be used, dosage. You better see the expiration table and the time to give the vaccine must be right. Before giving a vaccine, make sure the chicken is healthy. Avoid vaccination during weather or hot temperatures. The maximum temperature allowed is 29 C. as much as possible stay away from using metal containers, it is recommended to use plastic containers. Use new, clean, and fresh water which is free of chlorine, disinfecting, and has a pH between 6,5 – 7,5. Vaccine sites and vaccinations must be cleaned immediately after use. Wash using running water without any additional chlorine and disinfectant. After vaccination, you should immediately give supplements or multivitamins so that the chicken is not easily stressed.