Awesome Facts of Lionhead Rabbit. Why being Called like that?

There are two ways raising rabbits: first, raise them as pet animal, and secondly raise them as livestock of profitable asset. Both of ways bring satisfaction for peoples: as pet, you would get amusement and love (if you love them back), and for the livestock or other kind of business – of course you would gain money from it. Rabbits are known as a good source of meat supply for human. It was contained beneficial substances such proteins and minerals. This is one of the reasons why pregnant women suggested eating rabbit meat for the pregnancy.

The variety of breeds available as option for you who want to raise rabbits for both of reasons: Lop rabbits, from Holland Lop, German Lop, English Lop, and etc. Flemish Giant rabbit, Angora rabbit, Mini Rex Rabbit, and etc. In the wildlife, rabbits lived among the grassland and bushes of forest and woods, but there are few rabbits that have the dry area habitat such as Desert Cottontail and Black-tailed Jackrabbit.

Furthermore, there’s one unique breed we forgot to mention; this breed was one of the most popular breed of rabbit out there! Could you guess it my dear friends? It’s the Lionhead rabbit. Do you ever hear about this breed? If you never hear about it, then this day is your lucky day, because we would discuss about awesome facts of Lionhead rabbit. Why being called like that. So, take your sit, and stay with us!

Lionhead Rabbit

Lionhead rabbit was domesticated rabbit species that recognized by ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) and BRC (British Rabbit Council). There are reason why this breed was called as Lionhead was because their wool mane which encircling rabbit’s head such a lion male hair; that is why people called them as Lionhead.

Lionhead Rabbit Characteristics

Other the unique hair circling their head, Lionhead rabbit have several other body characteristic that make them different than other rabbit. Lionhead have a compact small body, well develop muzzle, short wonderful fur which is approximately about 2 to 3 inches, bold head, and the eight is about 2.5 to 3.75 pounds. Moreover, they have medium-sized legs and bones, and the length of their ears are about 3 inches.

The typical mane of Lionhead is soft, woolly, and thick. Not only one, Lionhead able to have double mane which is influenced by parents genes. So, it’s pretty normal if you found there are rabbit with double mane and single mane. However, there’s a method to identify is the rabbit have single or double mane; simply look to their skirt or flanks. The double mane rabbit would exhibit V form on their skirt or flank, but single mane rabbit look pretty much similar to common rabbit.

One thing to remember, this method is only effective on the first born, it’s would get harder as the rabbit grown up. To be clear, here’s more detail information about Lionhead rabbit mane:

  • Singled Mane: mean that the rabbit have only one mane gene inside their body. Single mane rabbits typically doesn’t hold the mane for the rest on their lives. The mane is spread on different parts of body such as head, chin, and ears, in some cases the mane was carried around the rump and chest. Unfortunately, the mane would slowly get thin and might be disappears when Lionhead rabbit reach maturity. The single mane Lionhead rabbit created by the purebred of double mane rabbit to another breed of rabbit.
  • Double Mane: was born by both parents of single mane rabbits or both parents of double mane rabbit. These double mane was inherited two copies of mane genes, and those rabbits typically have thick wool that circling the head, in some cases, the wool would appear on the flanks which many people refer it as skirt.

Lionhead Rabbit Facts You must Know

Lionhead Lifespan

One of the advantage of keeping Lionhead as a pet is the lifespan of this beautiful animal. Lionhead have longer lifespan compare to other rabbit species: majority of Lionhead species have the lifespan over 8 to 10 years under the right cares and environmental. That’s mean if you mistreat your Lionhead, they would have shorter lifespan than what they should had.

How to give the best nursery for Lionhead? Prepare the best comfortable house, always make sure you give fresh and healthy foods, don’t forget to make them do some exercises. The most important thing is love; when you pay attention and pour your love upon them, they would feel loved and trust you even more. The happiness would make them live longer!

The Perfect Size

Another plus side about Lionhead rabbit is their small body, in fact this particular breed was recognized as one of the smallest rabbit breed on earth. Ordinary weight of adult LIonhead rabbit is around 3 pounds and the maximum size is about 3.12 pounds. In this case, Lionhead rabbit size was bigger than dwarf rabbit, but compare to another breeds of domesticated rabbits? They were quite smaller than you could ever imagine, my dear friends.

The Price

Most of the people was stunt by the price of some rabbit which is pretty expensive. Well, if you afraid the same thing is applied on Lionhead breed, you are mistaken, folks. In fact, Lionhead price is affordable for any class of families. All you need to do is looking for the available rabbit on your local area – stores or breeders. In America, the price range start from $20 to $150; so, make sure you choose negotiable prices that suit to your budget. Good luck!

Sweet Temperament

The last of our article today: awesome facts of Lionhead Rabbit. Why being called like that is sweet heart temperament. Not only gifted with adorable features, apparently Lionhead was well-known as a sweet heart breed (although generalize animal is not right). Ordinarily, Lionhead was snuggle-type of animal, and enjoyed being touchy with human. For the example, they would happily twitch their nose if you give a lovely gentle touch on it.

Although they have gentle and friendly temperament, do not try to pick them too high from the ground, rabbit is ground animal, they would automatically stress out if being unable touch the ground. All you need to do is ensure the rabbit and secure their body if you want to pick them up. When they see you have protected them, then they would be absolutely fine.