Deathstalker Scorpion: One of the Dangerous Scorpions in the World

In this world, there are a variety of venomous animals. There are snakes, dragons, jellyfish, etc. Before reading further, let’s meet the largest lizard on earth: Komodo dragon. Or maybe, do you want to know another venomous animal? Check out this list of wild animals that live in the Amazon forest. Anyway, the scorpion is included as venomous animals.

Some types of scorpions are known as dangerous animals because they have deadly poisons in the body. One of them is Deathstalker Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus), a kind of scorpion that is found in Israel.

Deathstalker Scorpion is also called Palestine Yellow Scorpion. If you are curious, let’s get to know closer to the Deathstalker scorpion!

  • Physical Description

The color of this scorpion is predominantly yellow and has a black color on its back, and measures between 30-70 mm. This arthropod animal is hazardous, which has toxins that contain substantial neurotoxins that can create excessive pain. Scorpions have 2 eyes on the top of the head and often 2 to 5 pairs of eyes on the front corners of their head.

  • Habitat

Apparently, the Deathstalker scorpion is not found only in Israel. It can be found in desert and scrubland habitats ranging from North Africa to the Middle East.

Its range covers a broad sweep of territory in the Sahara, Arabian Desert, Thar Desert, and Central Asia, from Algeria and Mali in the west through to Egypt, Ethiopia, Asia Minor, and the Arabian Peninsula, eastwards to Kazakhstan and western India in the northeast and southeast.

So if you live or about to travel to New Zealand, don’t worry! You won’t find any kind of scorpions there, but there other most dangerous animals in New Zealand.

Speaking of desert, do you know that there are animals that live besides scorpions? If you want to know more, here is specific kind of desert animal you must know.

  • Behaviour

Deathstalker scorpions are nocturnal, which helps manage temperature and water balance, important functions for survival in dry habitats. Many species of scorpions dig burrows in the soil. They have flat bodies, allowing them to hide in small cracks, under rocks and under the bark.

Although scorpions have two eyes on the top of their head (often 2 to 5 pairs of eyes on the front corners of their head), they do not have good vision.

Scorpions, including deathstalkers, utilize their sense of touch to navigate and hunt, using their pectins and other organs. They have tiny slit-like tarsal sensory organs near the tips of their legs, which help detect vibrations in the sand or soil.

These organs can help provide information regarding the direction and distance from potential prey. Scorpions may also use substrate vibrations to identify potential mates and reduce violent interactions.

  • Reproduction

Courtship and sperm transfer in scorpions, including deathstalkers, is a complicated process. The male approaches a female and grasps her pedipalp chelae with his own chelae fingers.

A form of dance then takes place, lasting for several minutes until the male ejects a spermatophore on a suitable substrate. In the next stage, the male leads the female to position her genital aperture over the spermatophore, and the female takes up the sperm. Once sperm transfer has been completed, males and females usually separate.

  • Diet

Scorpions, including deathstalker scorpions, generally consume small insects, spiders, centipedes, earthworms, and other scorpions. These scorpions detect and capture prey using their sense of touch and by utilizing vibrations.

They hide under stones, bark, wood, or other objects on the ground where they search for prey or wait in ambush. Once they capture prey, scorpions use their larger pincers to crush and draw prey toward the mouth.

Deathstalker scorpions are commonly preyed upon members of their own species and by other scorpions. Other invertebrate predators (e.g. centipedes) and vertebrates also prey on deathstalker scorpions. One of them is the leopard geckos. Let’s check these snazzy facts of leopard geckos: gather up!

Deathstalker scorpions have high mortality directly after birth. Mortality is higher in adults than individuals of intermediate age. 

  • Fun Fact

Although dangerous, many Deathstalker scorpion is traded as pets for exotic animal lovers. This animal is also famous for having the most precious poison liquid in the world.

According to information, the price of the poison liquid for one gallon or 3.7 litres is worth around 39 million US dollars. It’s also not easy to get the poison, and even if you have more money, you won’t be able to buy it. B

ecause to get poison in large quantities, every drop of poison must be hardened first. Each scorpion will produce only 2 mg, so to get one 3.7 litres requires at least 2.64 million times of droplets.

Toxins in this scorpion can be a valuable treasure to develop medicines. For example, the chlorotoxin can bind perfectly to the brain and spinal cancer cells.

It also can identify the size and location of the tumour as well as to eradicate malaria. Scientists hope that this scorpion poison will be more developed for medical needs.