Explanation of 3 Noises Made by Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are the rising star from marsupial species. Each passing time – year by year, the percentage of people’s interest for keeping this animal is arisen. You might know that sugar gliders are undomesticated animals (wild animals) in the old days, but however, time is changed. This modern days have proved that you could keep exotic animals as pets, something that you cannot do on the past.

Perhaps, the fact that sugar glider is small creature, pretty much harmless (related of wildness behavior which exhibit by some exotic animals) and would not attack you on sudden are the foundation reasons for people to fulfill their eagerness for sugar gliders. For your note, there’s a lot of things you should prepare before you bring one of this species inside your house. First of all, you need comfortable cage for sugar glider.

The second, you need to educate yourself about many things: start from sugar’s glider behaviors, the proper healthy diet menus (by the way, check this one: is it safe to feed sugar gliders with raisins), and other life support materials such as pouch for sugar glider (for nesting), food and water containers, and etc. These materials are fatal; the things that you should master to ensure the life quality of your sugar glider for the rest of her life.

However, my beloved friends, today we would learn about one particular behavior exhibit by all sugar gliders: the noises. It’s better if you know variety of noises made by sugar gliders before you – on your own – face it directly. So, there are about three noises that occur on them: sneezing or hissing, barking, and chattering. As a good owner, you must understand the explanation of 3 noises made by sugar gliders, because these are form of communication.

This is how you would know what is going on with your sugar glider, what she need and feel, and primarily her health condition. However, let get into the topic: explanation of 3 noises made by sugar gliders.

1. Chattering or Crabbing

I warn you pals, do not be surprise if you hear extraordinary loud sounds come up from this small creature. Actually, this would be the first sound of sugar glider that you would ever hear. Sugar gliders exhibit this sound as a form of defense, and more likely sounds similar as a locust. Let’s learn deeper about crabbing sounds like.

Crabbing would appear for the first period of bonding times especially when they were still babies. This is a common sound that occur because those babies are scared of you. They are being defensive because they not yet recognize you. But, trust me, after you build a strong and well- relationship with them, almost in every case they never make this sound ever again. Unless, on sudden, you startled them or they sense dangerous, threatening presence (unfamiliar) or event.

In their natural habitat, they would make this loud sounds to intimidate some predators due the safety of their lives – acting such a tough strong guy. You must understand that sugar gliders almost didn’t have any other defensive natural system except this crab method; ordinarily, the defensive mode would form as standing up in their hind legs, nip or swat in the air while they were in the position of charge, followed by the loud crab.

If you not prepare for this kind of actions, your first moment with your beloved sugar glider would be tremendously scary and intense. This is also the reason why sugar glider refer as sugar “bear”, because the similarity between grizzly bears during the acting of being tough and big guys. Although it’s just a massive theatrical, still it could be very intimidating. Be careful, folks!

2. The Barking

Perhaps, you would think that it is a joke, but trust me, it’s not. Sugar glider’s bark surprisingly sounds like Chihuahua. There is a rumor spread on the internet that sugar glider would bark all night long and frequently, but that rumor simply not true. Furthermore, the barking exhibit by sugar gliders are contained with different things, just like a canine’s bark. The examples cases are: when your sugar feel extremely lonely and boring, they would bark to get your attention and inform you about the presence of an intruder, and one simple reason is they just being exciting while playing.

One fact you need to remember that sugar gliders share the same similarity with dogs, they would never bark without reasons. One other example, if you keep single sugar glider, most likely, they would bark frequently at night because he or she is lonely or scared, and just want you to accompany him or her. Yes, that is totally sweet. So, you should take a note that better keep more than one sugar glider, just to prevent the loneliness and provide social needs.

But, if you had several sugar gliders and they start barking at the same time during the night, it common reason is probably they just scared. Here’s a trick to stop them from bark, keep one of the light on so they could monitor the scenery around them.

3. Sneezing or Hissing

Sneezing or hissing was the other common sounds made by sugar gliders. The sounds of sneezing ordinarily would appear as soft vibrant voice. There are some factors that become the culprit of sneezing. First, it could be signs of health problems such as infection; but do not be worry, most of the time, sneezing is normal on sugar gliders. The majority of hissing and sneezing are the ordinary cleaning ritual of your beloved sugar gliders.

I need to mention that sugar gliders loves to keep themselves cleans just like cats; they don’t need bathing. When your lovely adorable sugar gliders didn’t really busy gliding and jumping around the cage, wisely they prefer to do self-maintain or in other words grooming themselves. The sneezing sounds came out from the action of spiting their hands, which is being followed by the whole body grooming.

This was part of incredibly proved of how smart this little creature, and how they love being clean (which is something that human must imitate). But, when the sneezing occur excessively and being followed by the action of genitalia cleaning, then it might be signs of problems. Immediately bring your beloved sugar glider to the vet to get more intensive checkup!