7 Facts About Salted Duck Egg You Should Know

Lately, salted egg is a booming food that is sold in many places.  The salted egg is a food and has a duck egg as the main ingredient. To make the salted duck egg, soak it in a brick solvent and salt. After that, boil the egg until it is cooked. 7 Guides to cleaning and storing chicken eggs will help you to take a good care of your duck egg, so that it can be the salted duck egg.

In Indonesia, duck eggs are better known as salted eggs. This egg is intentionally marinated by soaking it in salt water. The egg white has a sharp salty taste, while the egg yolks are slightly orange and not too salty. According to Kalpana Bhaskaran from Nutrition Research and Head of Glycemic Index Research Unit at Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Applied Science, eating salted eggs can increase cholesterol levels in the body, exceeding the recommended amount every day, which is 300 mg. Especially in a salted egg can contain 300-600 mg of cholesterol, depending on the manufacturing process. Making salted eggs that are intentionally marinated with this salt, makes salted eggs have a very high sodium content. Eating foods high in salt means eating foods that are rich in sodium. In fact, the WHO (World Health Organization) or World Health Institution recommends salt intake of only 5 grams (equivalent to sodium 2,000 mg) per day. Salt consumption above the permissible limit can contribute to the emergence of high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. You can check this article  How To Increase Appetite In Cattle

Sodium is a substance in the form of electrolytes and minerals. This substance is needed by the body to maintain the electrolyte balance of the body, maintain water levels inside and outside the cells of the body, and support the work of muscles and nerves.

It is rare for people to experience sodium deficiency, except for people with diarrhea, malnutrition, and heart failure. Conversely, too much sodium is clearly not good for health because many serious diseases lurk when your body is over sodium.

Foods that contain high sodium mean high levels of salt. Usually found in fast food and processed food or packaging. Salted duck eggs or salted eggs are among these food groups. In other words, consuming too much marinated duck eggs risks risking your health. To avoid the possibility of hypertension or high blood pressure, you are advised to consume salty foods, including salted eggs, wisely. Eating low-salt foods can help you avoid high blood pressure or hypertension. An increase in excessive blood pressure can cause heart disease. The task of the heart is to pump blood to flow through the blood vessels. The compressive power generated when blood flows and pushes the blood vessel wall can be measured and called blood pressure.

The higher the blood pressure, the more the heart becomes heavy in pumping blood. High blood pressure or hypertension can trigger other serious illnesses, including strokes, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), kidney failure, and heart failure. In fact, a scientific study proves that people who consume excessive salt have a higher risk of dying from a heart attack.

Salted duck eggs or salted eggs and other processed foods are indeed delicious to be used as additional side dishes, but you should avoid eating too much salted eggs because it can increase your risk of developing hypertension. The duck egg is choosen because of the texture. It is more chewy, thicker skin, and a bigger pore.

The salted duck egg is rich in calcium, iron, and the other inorganic salt. Because of that, many people take the salted egg as a source of calcium and iron. Because of the high rate of calcium, the benefit of salted egg are :

  • Form and keep the density of bone and teeth. It is good to prevent the osteoporosis, and speed up the blood clotting process.
  • Calcium is also a hunger procrastinator, so it is good for those who is on dietary program. Beside of that, calcium also help to stabilize the blood pressure, because it helps to control the heart muscle movement and other.
  • For the pregnant women or the women in their period time, calcium also help to minimize the stomach cramps, because of the phosphor and potassium in it. The another important thing is that calcium is also prevent the kidney stones as long as the calcium do not contain many water.

Beside of the calcium, the salted egg also has a good iron substance. The benefit of iron in the salted egg is important, because the iron is needed by the body to form the hemoglobin, prevent the anemia, strengthen the muscle and the brain function. The iron substance also important to stabilize the body temperature, push the energy metabolism, and the enzyme system performance.

Besides of that, there are many benefit from the duck egg. Here is the facts about salted duck egg you should know.

1. Rich of vitamins

In a salted egg, contain at least 6 kinds of vitamin, such as vitamin A15, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, and vitamin B15.These vitamins are good for the children’s growth. How to Easily Raise Broiler Chicks is one of the article for your reference, so that the duck can produce a good quality egg.

2. Good for eyes

The salted eff contain vitamin A and B, and it is a good nutrition source for the eyes.

3. Brain nutrition

The salted egg contain Omega-3 that is good for the brain.

4. Increase the immune system

In a salted egg, contain a high phosphor, selenium, and iron. These substances is beneficial to increase the immune system, so that we won’t get sick easily. Here is the article 7 Ways to Raising Broiler Chickens Commercially to add your reference.

5. Not a dangerous food for cancer sufferers

Salted egg is knowns as unhealthy food because of the high cholesterol and a high salt contain. But don’t take it wrong, because the salted egg contain alkaline substance, that is good to inhibit the growth of cancer substance.

6. High in sodium

Actually, sodium is beneficial for body to maintain the balance of electrolyte, the water content, and muscle and nerve support. Sodium is available in salt. The over consumption of sodium can lead to a higher risk of hypertension or a high blood pressure, that can cause a stroke, kidney failure, and heart failure. The salted egg contain a high salt, so don’t consume it too much.

7. Contain cholesterol

Human body better not consume the cholesterol more than 300 mg each day. In a salted egg, the cholesterol is around 300-600 mg, depend on the salt content and the way it made.

That is all for the facts of salted egg duck. I hope, this article will help you to know more about the salted duck egg, so that you can make it as a benefit.How To Easily Sell Your Own Broiler Stocks will also help you to help your ducks to produce the best quality egg, so that it can be beneficial.