Potential Reasons Why Your Snake Companion is Losing Their Appetite

As times and pop culture changes, modern trends have evolved hand in hand with them too. Society has clung to the outrages fashion trends of every other thing you can ever think of – including adopting wild animals as pets. Strangely, despite their frightening looks and hostile nature, snakes are a popular choice amongst these wild animals.

There are ongoing debates in regards to the ethics of domesticating wild animals, because one thing for certain is that these human companions would have to hold big responsibilities in raising one. Just like raising any other conventional animals, prior research before adopting them is a crucial process. The list is endless; humans should be able to know what every animal’s needs are, including their health and diet.

So, if in a rhetorical situation your snake suddenly stops eating, you as a human companion should be able to know what are the risks and how to overcome impending unwanted situations. Its wise to consult professionals for help, but there could be situations where you may not have access to them so it’ll help to be informed of basic first aid. In this article, find out more on the potential reasons why your snake companion is losing their appetite!

1. Shedding

Shedding is a normal stage of any snake’s lifetime. In fact, shedding has proven to have shown numerous health benefits for your snake companion. However, this healthy practice may make them temporarily lose their appetite. Nevertheless, if the shedding process goes well, these snakes should be able to gain their appetite back afterwards. If in the case that they do not, it is wise for their human companions to seek medical help to avoid unwanted situations.

2. Caught in an Unfamiliar Surrounding

When your snake companion is placed in an unfamiliar surrounding – that is probably very different from their natural habitat – they could lose their appetite. This stress reaction is commonly found in other animals from the reptile and snake family. When your snake companion is showing these signs of being uncomfortable, it is wise to place them in a better habitat to avoid these snakes from starving themselves.

3. The Common Cold

Just like us humans, snakes are prone to catching the common cold too. In an unfortunate situation where your snake has caught the cold, their appetite may decrease as well. However, just like us, they should be able to regain their appetite once their common cold dies out. Aside from consulting medical experts, human companions could help speed their snake’s healing process by placing a pile of chopped-up garlic in their cage and exposing them to the sunlight to absorb necessary healing vitamins.

4. Flea Infestations and Hygiene

Another reason to consider would be a flea infestation in their skin. Just like any of our furry friends, snakes are also prone to flea infestation when they do not keep a good hygiene; as a result, would decrease their appetite. Apart from regulating their personal hygiene daily, one way to fix this problem is to cover your snake companion in finely grated chalk. The chalk generates an anti-flea chemical and should be applied regularly until all the fleas disappear. After your snake companion is flea-free, they should be able to regain their appetites soon.

5. A Dirty Home And Its Health Drawbacks

The effects of an unkept dirty habitat is much more impactful than one may think. When your snake companion is placed in this situation, their appetites may go down due to being uncomfortable. Additionally, an unkept habitat is an unsupervised nest for dangerous bacterias and illnesses. Noting this, it is important for human companions to regularly clean their snake’s cages to harmful repercussions.

This marks the end of the list of the potential reasons why your snake companion is losing their appetite! However, every snake may have different diets and health patterns – so if your snake is still showing unusual signs, it is advised that you consult medical professionals immediately.