3 Ways to Indicate the Abnormal Cases of Newborn Baby Duck

Newborn baby, of course, need to get more attention. You also need to give extra attention if the new baby duck is born not with his mother. Maintaining something will surely require you to take care of them. Feeding, ensuring it is healthy, and providing anything that supports its growth and development will be your […]

Wood Duck Habit in Their Maturity Time

Wood duck is one type of wild duck that has beautiful fur. This duck are included in waterfowl even referred to as one of the most beautiful waterfowl in the world. Did you know that in 1918 this duck had been extinct due to poaching? Thank you to the wildlife management who saved this species […]

3 Interesting Facts About Female Duck Maturity

Talk about maturity that will be experienced by all living things, both male and female will experience changes that indicate that they have gone through the adult phase. Today’s phase is a normal thing that indicates they are ready to form new individual. Just as human experience changes both physically and psychologically, duck also experiences […]

Nutritional Values That Should Be Included For Duck Diet

Talk about nutrition, it is the need of every living thing, right? Nutrition is needed for balance supply in the body so that the body stays healthy and fit. With a healthy and fit body, anything we can do including daily activities. The need for nutrition is not only needed by humans, animals that are […]

6 Things That Must Be Considered To Breed Pet Duck

Breeding ducks that we originally maintained into a promising business is everyone’s right. As long as they are able to care for, feed, and provide whatever is needed by their animals, breeding their pet is legal. It will not be a problem if you take such a decision considering that our pets also have a […]

4 Differences of Mallard and Rouen Duck In Caring Scope

Many people almost mistakenly think that Mallard and Rouen are the same type of duck. Well, that is indeed not entirely wrong because they are still in one poultry family. The thing you need to remember is Rouen is a type of duck and chicken while Mallard is a type of duck. What makes people […]

All About Muscovy Duck Nesting Habit

Muscovy duck, maybe you rarely hear this type of duck. Maybe more precisely you’ve seen it but don’t know their names. Muscovy duck is a type of wild duck that have unique appearance. They have a red head shape and just on the top of their heads are covered with thin fur. In the South […]

The Importance of Duck Nesting For Raising Duck Process

Talking about nesting, it can be assumed that all bird clans must make nest. Or if you want to expand, all spawn animals will make nest to protect their eggs. Their eggs need to be protected because the instinct of survive and continue their offspring. Keeping their eggs is not an easy thing. Some mother […]

Where do Ducks Build Their Nest? Here’s What You Need to Know

Although not birds, birds including ducks need to make nest. These nests, besides being used as temporary shelters, are also used to store their eggs. The eggs especially that have just been removed from their body’s need to be kept warm in order to be healthy until the hatch arrives. Long hatching times and threats […]

A Wild Duck That Can Be Adopted as Pet Duck

Many people want to be different and unique. Nowadays, people are challenge to show their ‘another’ self. Being different is part of loving their self and being their self. Because of this think, many people express their feeling, one of all by loving unusual animal. Not only loving, many people of that keeping it at […]