6 Reasons Why Sleeping Cats Should Not be Disturbed

Cats happens to be one from many animals that becomes our pets mainly because of its physical appearance anWhy Sleeping Cats Should Not be Disturbedd funny behavior. As a cat owner, surely knowing their activities is very needed as part of maintaining and caring for it. Cats behavior that is commonly noticed by their owners […]

Signs of Cats Looking for Attention

Pet Cat Lovers definitely knows that pet cat has a sweet charm and likes to show off their confusing behavior, but it’s interesting because its funny behavior is an expression of their love. Here are five funny cat’s behavior that are signs of cats looking for attention to their owner. 1. Pet cat likes to […]

Signs of Cats Recovering from Flu

Cat’s health could be judged based on physical appearances, performances, and agility. Cats which inflicted with Flu, if medically cared for would gradually get better and get back to health. Generally, these are signs of cats recovering from Flu and has reached optimal health. Signs of cats recovering from Flu. 1. Clean eyes Cat’s eyes […]

Causes and Remedies for Itchy Ears in Cats

One of cat’s most vulnerable body parts is ear. The L shape of cat’s ears provides sharper hearing and sensitive sense. However, this shape also makes it prone to get disease such as signs of heart disease in cats. While light disease is treatable, if it has gone serious, it can damage your cat’s ears […]

8 Common Disorders of The Outer Ear in Cats

Cat is among the most adopted animals as a pet. Its considerably cute and intelligent personality makes people love to make them their companies. However, they are also prone to disease. They can catch any health problems even for the slightest cause. Some problems occur in their ear. Cat’s ear is vulnerable to bacteria and […]