4 Reasons Your Dog is Suddenly Lethargic and Weak

It is very easy to know that something is wrong when your usual energetic good dog is suddenly become tired, with no mood to play at all, and just want to lay down all day. Sometimes, a dog can get into lethargic state, a state where dog suddenly become lazy, tired, and don’t have any […]

Your Dog Suddenly Seems Tired? Here Are 6 Causes

Your dog suddenly seems tired, don’t want to play with you, and your dog seems just to want to sleep and lay down on the floor? That means your dog might be lethargic. Lethargy in a dog means sluggishness, dullness or drowsiness that usually you see in your dog. You might think that it is […]

Why Dog Suddenly Stop During a Walk?

*Bark Hello there fellow dog lovers!. How are you and your dog doing?. Indeed we always hope you guys will be in a good shape always and no harm shall interrupt your incredible relationship with your dog, obviously we all know that dog is the most loyal pet for human, even adorable cat could not […]

How to Help a Dog Suffering from Trauma

*Barks We have talked about healing an emotionally traumatized dog. But what if our dog become suffered because of it?. Trauma in dogs cause a lot of troubles and damages towards the dog. It could damage her body, her emotion, her psychology, and could create an excruciating pain and suffering. Your dog would moan about […]