Are Vaccinated Dogs Safe From Rabies? Here is the answer

Rabies is one of the most notorious diseases that are transmitted through animal saliva. Animals that can be infected by rabies is mammals like bats, raccoons, skunks, and dogs. Rabies is a neurological disease that is transmitted through infected animals bite. Animals can infect other animal or animal can also infecting human with rabies. If […]

4 Facts You Might Not Know About Rabies On Dog

Rabies is one of the most notorious diseases that transmitted through dog saliva, and it is a viral disease that attacks and affects a central nervous system of its victim, and this disease can be very dangerous if didn’t treat quickly and properly. Although there are already many medicine and information about rabies disease, there […]

2 Things You Probably Still Believe To Happen After A Dog Bite You

Have you heard about an old saying, a dog is a man best friend? As it said, a dog is a loyal creature, brave companion, can be very cute and fluffy to cuddle with. Although the dog is such a loyal creature, they’re still animal, which means they still have their animal instinct inside them. […]

4 Diseases You Can Catch From Dog Urine and Feces

A dog is a lovely animal, and man’s best friend. It is truly an amazing experience to have such a loyal creature like a dog in our home, and it is such a rewarding experience too. However, there are many things that you need to consider and think about when buying or adopting a dog. […]

What kind of diseases can you get from dog saliva? Here are the answer

A dog is a man best friend. Although a dog is a loyal creature, great pets and can be our cutest lifelong companion, there can be many disease and complication that caused by your pooch. A dog can carry many diseases and harmful pathogen. Many dangerous pathogens thrive inside a dog, and it can be […]

6 Common Dog Diseases That Are Contagious to Human

Just like a human, dogs can also get sick, and carry out many diseases and dangerous virus. Some of the dog diseases aren’t very harmful, however, there are also many common disease that are contagious to human, and can be quite dangerous if you ignore them. Some of the most contagious diseases can be carried […]

Anti Rabies Vaccine Effects on Dogs

Rabies is the most well known disease which can infect your dog. Rabies is caused by rabies virus and it will attack central nervous system of your dog, please beware that rabies can also infect human. Rabies has early symptoms that similar with other infection based disease, such as fever, headache, and weakness. In a […]

4 Vaccine Effects on Dogs

We know that vaccine can protect us from terrible disease, almost all of us vaccinate ourself and our family. What about vaccine effects on our dog? For every dog owner out there, you need to know that vaccine is very crucial for your dog! If you want to spend more precious time with your dog, then […]