8 Tips for Controlling Hair Loss in Cats

One of the many problems occur to cats is hair loss or alopecia. Hair loss is a condition where cats lose their furs. Aside from originally hairless cat race such as sphinx, most cats utilize furs to protect themselves. Losing their coats mean there is something that you cannot just overlook.

Cat owners should be aware of some signs and causes of hair loss in cats.

Symptoms of Hair Loss in Cats

There are several symptoms of hair loss in cats:

  • Fallen chunk of hairs in specific body parts
  • Bigger fur ball that the cats made
  • Constant scratching
  • More hair caught in the brush while brushing
  • Excessive grooming
  • Red and blotchy skin

Those signs may appear due to some causes that trigger hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss in Cats
  • Fleas infestation
  • Skin allergies
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Genetic
  • Ringworm infection
  • Anxiety & stress
  • Behavioural problems

Some cases of it might be tough to handle, therefore, owners can do these tips for controlling hair loss in cats.

Tips for Controlling Hair Loss in Cats

Follow these tips to control cat hair loss.

  • Flea Medication

The first step of controlling hair loss, particularly if it is because of fleas infestation ia by taking your cat to veterinarian and do flea medication. Flea medication will require vaccin to make sure your cat is more immune to fleas. You may also receive some topical ointment to treat your cat’s skin directly.

Fleas are the most common cause of hair loss in cats. If you regularly take your cat for fleas shots, chances are your cat is likely to suffer hair loss. Thus, make sure to do it regularly to prevent worse hair loss.

  • Allergy-Free Foods

Provide your cat with allergy-free food to prevent hair loss. Allergy can cause hair loss and to make it worse, it may make your cat scratch its skin continuously. Your cat will show allergic reaction by having the fur falls, scratching, and meowing. Determine what kind of food that triggers allergy to your cat first.

After that, avoid feeding any foods that contain that allergen as much as possible. There is also allergen-free food specifically for cats with allergy. Also add vitamins to improve your cat skin for its coat’s health. If your cat keeps getting hair loss even after you avoid allergen, consult with veterinarian for an allergy shot.

  • Weekly Hair Combing

Sometimes cat will give signal if there is something that bothers them including some fleas or worms in the skin. If your cat starts biting on the skin or you understand how to tell that your cat is crying, it is time for you to find out the cause. The first step is by parting your cat’s hair and then comb it in the opposite direction.

Parting your cat’s hair will give you the view of your cat’s skin. And by combing it in opposite directions will catch some fleas or parasites residing in your cat. Rub some salt to kill the fleas gently. If there is an open wound, take your cat to veterinarian to receive proper medication.

  • Shorten Cat’s Hair

While shaving the hair may not completely resolve the problem, shortening your cat’s hair will help to control hair loss. Short hair has lesser chance to have them scattered around on your floor. It will also get rid some of tangled fur as well as hair that contains dirt and other possible parasites.

In order to cut your cat’s hair, make sure you put your cat in ease and know how to train cats to obey your command so they will be able to stay still while you cut your cat’s hair. If you cannot handle it yourself, you can go to cat barbershop and shorten the hair by professional barber.

  • Anxiety Medication

The cause of hair loss is not exclusive to physical problem. It may also because your cat suffers from anxiety and stress. Having to stay locked inside all day, friction with fellow cats, to untreated illness can drive your cat into anxiety and stress. As a respond to your cat’s mental state, the production of hormone within its body will not be stable.

If it occurs to your cat, it is important to follow this tips for controlling hair loss in cats by consulting veterinarian. Your vet will prescribe your cat an anxiety medication to treat the cause. If the medication is successful, hair loss will no longer a problem for your cat. However, medication is temporary, the condition that caused it is more crucial to get rid of.

  • Hair Loss Cream

To control and prevent hair loss for getting worse, get veterinarian to prescribe your cat with topical treatment in the form of cream. Topical treatment is easier as you will only need to apply cream to your cat’s skin. The cream should only from veterinarian prescription as it is very sensitive your cat’s skin. This treatment is effective especially for hair loss caused by skin problem. Some vitamins to grow hair faster and healthier will boost the result.

Apply the cream at least twice a week to control hair loss. Notice if your cat responds well to the cream. Some cats may be too sensitive to topical treatment and will show rashes as allergy reaction. Therefore, make sure the cream is suitable with your cat’s skin.

  • Regular Bath

The simplest tip for controlling hair loss in cat is by giving regular bath to cat. Even though cat is a little sensitive to water because their fur will absorb coldness, regular bath will provide necessary sanitary hygiene for your cat. Bathe your cat at least once a week if your cat suffers from hair loss.

Brush your cat’s coat gently while bathing it to get rid dead hair as well as making your cat more relaxed. Avoid brushing your cat too hard for it may worsen any infection that occurs in your cat’s skin.

  • Coconut Oil

This tip is great for those who prefer natural way to control hair loss. Coconut oil contains enough nutrient that will strengthen your cat’s hair. Moreover, it will get through the root of the scalp and not just on the surface, ensuring a more long-lasting result and shinier coat.
Apply coconut oil to the cat’s skin and massage it gently. It will help some of the lost hair to grow back again. You can also make home remedies to prevent hair loss in cat.

Those are all tips for controlling hair loss in cats. Make sure you know the appropriate steps to give your cat best treatment.