Do and Don’t for Geckos Babies Food

Exotic animals are very tempting species to keep. Although the fact that they were born as undomesticated animals, live in the midst of the wildlife, doesn’t stop people on tempt to bring them into their houses. A lot of wild animals species consider as exotic animal that could be pet; depend on the regulation on regional local’s law and rules, of course. Spread from mammalian, fishes, and reptilians, as long as those animals are legally process and fulfill all the requirement, it’s your right to bring them home.

However, one of the most famous exotic animals to be pet come from lizard species: iguana, chameleon, to gecko; for lizard enthusiast people who love those lizards are beautiful and attractive animals to be pet. But, people, today we would minimize our topic into one certain species, which is the gecko. Yes, for your information, geckos are way more famous than you ever thought. Generally, geckos lived among warm climate areas, and could be found in swamps, forest, or other places that completed with thick bushes and trees.

There are many species of geckos you could choose as pet such as common leopard geckos, crested geckos, bearded geckos, tokay geckos, and others. Well, I am not a big fan of lizards (almost every lizard species) but I do enjoy toys of leopard geckos, and I have to admit that they have adorable faces. I don’t blame people who would fall in love with those cute and beautiful features of theirs. Furthermore, if you serious to bring geckos into your house, there are several things to learns.

You need to understand how to properly treat the geckos, especially when you decided to taken care of babies geckos, because it’s not as simple as its looks. Babies geckos should be treated differently from the adult ones; from the environment, cleanliness matter, and of course the foods. A diet to keep geckos health (adults), most of the time didn’t well-applied to babies geckos. So, here we are today, to discuss the do and don’t for geckos babies food. You must remember, most of the part of baby’s body did not fully develop yet.

Consequently, it is your job to maximize the foods that are suit with their bodies conditions, plus that could help them on growth period; because now, you are the mommy’s babies geckos!

Caring for Baby Gecko

Many of breeders and pet stores sell babies geckos due to simplify the bonding relationship as young as possible. As I mentioned above, babies geckos aren’t fully developed in immune system and skeletal; therefore, it is for the best to not risk any kind of subject that could lead them to harm, for their bodies did not yet able to handle things that adult body could.

Thus, they should be housed and feed in the most proper environmental and source of food to support their body in their growth period. Make sure you prepare the proper house and habitat for the babies, and then move to feeding the healthiest food to them. Furthermore, here’s do and don’t for geckos babies food guidelines!

The Do Foods to Feed to Your Baby Gecko

Most of gecko’s species are carnivorous animals. They eat all kinds of insects and other crawler little creatures, naturally. But, remember, they only eat living source of preys such as crickets and mealworms; and yes, they don’t eat vegetable and fruit matter, although some of gecko’s species are classified as omnivorous animals. Let’s take one example of it, the crested gecko. Crested geckos do eat small quantities of fresh fruits for an addition in the wild nature.

Furthermore, kind of foods you could give to your babies geckos are small insects. Note this: before you feed the insect to your beloved babies geckos, make sure that the width of the insects that being feed in not larger than your baby gecko head. Generally, the small kind of insects that being feed to baby is mealworms and crickets; these two kinds could be feed daily as main foods. This to makes sure that your baby do not have any kind of troubles while eating the insects, and also prevent such thing as choke, remembering that their digest system isn’t fully develop.

The diet food which being fed need to contain the nutrient requirements to support the growth. These are type of nutrient that should be contained on the diet menus: vitamins, calcium, and minerals. These substances would help to balance of nutrient inside the baby’s body which is would give them much benefit for growth. Just like human baby; types of beneficial substances would help the baby growth healthy and smart.

However, most of gecko’s owner would prefer to breed the diet by themselves to suppress the outlay per month. If you are one of those people, do remember to lightly coat the diet with calcium estimate about three times a week, once a week of mineral supplement, plus the addition of vitamin D3 twice a week. Furthermore, the baby would climb to small shallow dishes to eat the insect, but if the case is the baby is too way small to climb on the dishes, you could easily hand-feed them by yourself.

The Don’t Foods to Feed to Your Baby Gecko

Feed the geckos with wrong diets would not only upset the gut of them, but it also threats the health of them because a lot of time these type of foods turn into toxic inside their bodies. So, let check out, what type of food that could bring harm to your beloved geckos:

  • Wild unknown insects: well, if you try to catch wild insects with your own hands, please hold yourself, pals. The unknown source of food could be fatal for the health of your gecko; it could be toxic and upset the gut of theirs. Wild insects mostly was lived unsupervised; it’s highly chances that it contained with parasites or pesticide chemicals which lead to disease even death.
  • Lighten up bugs: do not ever try to feed your geckos with bugs that could light up itself, such as fireflies and lightning bugs. These type of bugs surprisingly highly contained with toxic chemicals inside its bodies that could endanger the life of your beloved geckos!