8 Most Endangered Sea Creatures

Have you ever heard about some endangered sea creatures? These kinds of animals could be extinct within no time if we don’t put any concern to protect them. Endangered sea creatures commonly live in the deep water of the ocean.

Not all of them live around under conservatory area. That makes some of them could extinct easily. Endangered sea creatures are commonly already categorized as endangered and critically endangered. Most of them happen not only because of nature but also bad human involvement as well.

If you are wondering what kind of endangered sea creatures are, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Vaquita

Endangered Sea Creatures

Vaquita is one of the most endangered sea creatures that now has a critically endangered status. This kind of dolphin family has a serious condition in which the population is only ten left in the world.

Vaquita is a native sea creature from the Mexico Gulf of California which is different from some animals in the Baltic sea. Their existence decreased from year to year because of human involvement, such as illegal fishing. They have a unique black color circling their eye.

Vaquita is also well-known as the marine of the Mexican Panda. Not only that, but they also have a unique color that looks white in the water but almost grey outside the water.

2. Whale shark

Endangered Sea Creatures

The whale shark is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. Their existence decreased from year to year, which makes them endangered status.

The whale shark is one of the largest sharks that exist among marine creatures. They could grow up to 40 feet in length within around 11 tons of weight. They have unique spots that are printed all around their body.

Every whale shark has a different pattern of spots printed all over its body that is different from some colorful marine animals. It looks like their identity differs from one to another.

3. Hawksbill turtle

Endangered Sea Creatures

The Hawksbill turtle is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of turtle has gorgeous shells with a unique pattern that looks similar to crocodile skin’s pattern.

The fashion industry calls Hawksbill turtle’s skin with a tortoiseshell pattern that has a valuable price in the market. That makes this turtle becomes the most haunted sea creature from illegal fishing which is different from animals found in the Paleartcic region.

Not surprising that Hawksbill turtle existence decreased year to year because of these facts. Nowadays, this kind of turtle even has a critically endangered status.

4. Humphead wrasse

Endangered Sea Creatures

Humphead wrasse is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of fish could grow up to six feet with a weight of almost 400 pounds.

The Humphead wrasse is a unique fish that has a big bulge in its forehead. They are popular as coral fish because it becomes their habitat.

The coral reef area is a perfect living for Humphead wrasse. This kind of fish could get their prey easily such as mollusks, starfish, and crustaceans.

5. Bluefin tuna

Endangered Sea Creatures

Bluefin tuna is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of fish could live up to 40 years, but because fishing industry from around the world makes their existence endangered.

Bluefin tuna has a valuable price in the market that could come at a higher price compared to common tuna. They could grow between 6 – 10 feet within 1500 pounds of weight.

Bluefin tuna is a popular predator among fishes in the ocean. The Atlantic Bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean Sea becomes the most endangered from year to year because of the fishing industry.

6. Sei whale

Endangered Sea Creatures

Sei whale is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of whale is the fastest whale in the ocean as it could move up to 30 miles per hour.

Sea whales commonly migrate faster before winter is coming which looks similar to some animals in the Mediterranean sea. They love to feed their babies in warmer temperatures. They are classified as giant whales which could grow up to 66 feet within 20 tons of weight.

Sei whale love to live around the warmer temperature before migrating from the cooler temperature. That is why they could easily find around the tropical ocean such as California Gulf, Coastal Africa, and Southern Chile.

7. Hector’s dolphin

Endangered Sea Creatures

Hector’s dolphin is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of dolphin is popular as the short dolphin, which commonly only grows around 4 feet in length. Hector’s dolphin has a beautiful color of white with a unique black stripe around their face. Because of their appearance, they are well-known as Mickey Mouse’s sea creatures.

Hector’s dolphin is a native dolphin from New Zealand around their North Island which is different from some dangerous animals in Australia. Their population decreased year by year because of fishing, marine strikes, or even the reproduction issue.

8. Galapagos penguin

Endangered Sea Creatures

The Galapagos penguin is one of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. This kind of penguin is popular as the only penguin that lives around the north equator line. The Galapagos penguin is a native penguin from the Galapagos Island.

They become the smallest penguin in the world that could grow up to 19 inches long. Galapagos penguins have to survive in the hard habitat, which they struggle with pollution, illegal hunting, and even climate changes.

So, there are some of the most endangered sea creatures that should be protected. Most of them commonly live in conservative areas to prevent extinction. Have you ever seen them all? Let’s support the conservation to prevent their extinction.