Facial Nerve Paresis on Rabbits; Does It Will be the Dead Cause?

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets and choices of pets by many people and pet lovers. This small animals are the best choice if you can’t withstand bigger animal such as cats or dogs as they are smaller than them and very cute too. One advantages of having a rabbits as your turtle is that rabbits are small, which means they won’t require too much space and foods compared with big pets. They are considered as easier pet to take care of compared with pet such as cats or dogs that require much care, attention and cost to take care of. If you are beginner pet owner, and you don’t want to spend lot of money on bigger animals such as cats or dogs, then rabbit might be good choice of pets for you. However, even though taking care of rabbit isn’t as hard as bigger animals, they are still needed some care and attention, so you can expect that they need care as much as other animals need to. Are you a beginner pet owner? And want to take care of rabbits, then you might want to seek our advice on how to take care of rabbits here in our website right now then.

Rabbits might be easier to take care of, but it doesn’t meant that you should not care for them lightly and even carelessly care of them. The more you know about rabbit’s care, like how to take care of them, how to pet them properly, how t o properly feed them and how to take care of them when they are sick. As we will show you today, they are many diseases that can afflict on rabbit. From a simple ear infection, mites infestation and also the more complicated one like throat infection, respiratory system disorder and one of the most complicated one is facial nerve paralysis on rabbits. As for today, we will focuses on facial nerve paralysis.

What is facial nerve paralysis? What might causing them? And how you should treat them properly and safely? Facial nerve paralysis might sound really complicated and you might don’t want it on your pets. However, we should know more about it, if we want to be a better pet owner and basically a better human being in treating our animals. So, what is Facial Nerve Paresis on Rabbits; Does It Will be the Dead Cause?

How dangerous is facial nerve paralysis, what might causing them and how to treat them

First of all, for those who doesn’t know about Facial nerve paresis, or we can say facial nerve paralysis, is a kind of disorder that affecting on the facial cranial nerve of organisms. Facial nerve cranial is a nerve system that controls the eyes around the face in order to produce face expression, move a facial muscle and basically control your face. Muscles like ear muscles, eyelids, nostrils, lips, and cheeks are muscles that will be affected by facial nerve paralysis. On rabbit, mostly it will results in an inability to move facial muscles such as ears muscle, eyes and nostrils.

So, what you need to know about facial nerve paralysis on rabbit? Is it some kind of deadly diseases that very hard to cure, and how we should treat it if our rabbit is afflicted by it? Here are some points about this disease you should know first.

  • What causing facial nerve paresis?

To make sure we know everything about facial nerve paresis we should know first about what might causing it on the rabbit in the first place. In rabbits, facial nerve paresis might be occurred caused by dental or ears infection. On some rabbits that have large flappy ears, an ear infection need to be taken care of properly, safely and quickly as it can have a big risk of having a facial nerve paralysis if not taken care of properly.

Other than infections on dental and ears infection, there are also some other causes for facial nerve paresis that you should be aware of too, like inflammation on the facial tissue caused by virus or bacteria, injury on the surrounding muscle and bone of facial muscle, direct wound to the facial nerve that causing a disorder in facial nerves, tumor on the brain that causing nerve system to be malfunctioned, toxicity on rabbits and ear diseases.

  • Symptoms of facial nerve paresis

When dealing with facial nerve paresis, we can see that rabbits will shown a sign or symptoms of this disease clearly, and if we know it, then we can distinguish it quickly for prevention and quick medication. In order to make sure our rabbit won’t suffer to much from this disease, we need to know about the symptoms of this complicated diseases and therefore knowing it for the sake of early diagnosis.

Some symptoms of facial nerve paresis includes symptoms like tilting head, sign of pain when rabbit is trying to open their mouth or moving its ears, sometimes an excessive drooling in ears and mouth, a bulging tissue within ear. These are the early symptoms of the facial nerve paresis. You should also notice  that if your rabbit is having a history of ear infection, then there will be very high chance your rabbit could develop a facial nerve paresis.

Some other symptoms are excessive rubbing around cheeks or eyes, facial asymmetry on rabbits, trouble of walking, keeping balance, and even eating becomes quite hard for rabbits, messy eating habits, cloudy eyes, and nasal discharge. These symptoms usually are for severe nerve paresis or if you are too late to notice this disease.

  • Diagnosis and treatments for rabbit

During the usual check up on your vets, you should always reporting any history of your rabbits disease even it is as simple as ear infection. This way, your vets could predict and easily diagnose any future diseases. Once your vets start to analysing and diagnosing your rabbits, vets will use an X-rays to see if there is problems on the skull of your rabbits. If this disease is somewhat complicated, there might be need for surgical operations. If this disease is still in young stage, some infection and nerve agent might do the trick.

Facial nerve paresis can be deadly for your rabbit, especially if you don’t know how to treat it, and if you are too late to notice it. Facial Nerve Paresis on Rabbits; Does It Will be the Dead Cause? Have we proved to give you useful information on rabbits care?