How To Cure Your Civet From Fleas

Lately, civets have been a popular choice for pets due to their looks and endearing personalities. However, this special animal requires special care considering their different health needs. Just like any other animal, civets – when poorly taken care of – can be prone to illnesses and diseases.

One common diseases civets can get is infected with flea infestations on their furs. The sensation may be uncomfortable for your civet companion, and its an overall unsanitary situation to be in. When untreated, your civet could be at risk of several health drawbacks. In the unfortunate chance that you spot one of the parasites on your civet’s coat, read on to find out how to cure your civet from fleas in this article.

1. Understand the Causes

The first thing to consider when treating your civet’s fleas is to get to the roots and understand the causes of the infection. Most flea-infested civets are infected from either their dirty surroundings, poor hygiene, or caught from their ill peers. Getting into the root of the problem allows you to tackle the situation more efficiently and accurate.

2. Quarantine and Isolation

To prevent from infecting the bigger group, it is wise that you isolate the infected civet away from the rest. This also grants you full concentration to treat the infected civet without to move other civets around.

3. Washing Your Civet

Perhaps the most basic first aid procedure in curing the flea infestation is to bathe your civet. Gently scrub the infected areas and places that are prone to them (e.g. arms, ears, legs, armpits) with a special formulated anti-flea soap. You could purchase these medicinal soaps at a local pet shop, or consult medical professionals to prescribe you with one.

4. Powdered Anti-Flea Medicine

After showering and gently drying your civet, be sure to lather their disinfected skin with anti-flea powder. This ensures that their fur remains dry and sterile; and would kill the fleas inhabiting the surface. Repeat the process until there are no signs of fleas within their furs anymore. You could also purchase these formulated anti-flea powders, along with the formulated soap, in your local pet shop.

5. Liquid Antiseptic

Alternatively, instead of investing on anti-flea powder, you could lather your infected civet in liquid antiseptic. The antiseptic is a common product with big names (such as dettol), so you could purchase these in any local supermarket. After lathering your infected civet in the substance, and careful to avoid direct contact to their face, be sure to rinse it off thoroughly and sunbathe your sterilised civet.

So there you have it: several tricks on how to cure your civet from fleas! It is advised that you consult professionals for further help if the problem persists. Other than that, make sure that you keep your civet’s hygiene in good shape at all times to prevent the infestations from happening again.