How to Help Cat that Can’t Pee

Sometimes, cat can shows us a strange act. One of the strange act from the  cat is when they suddenly not active like the usual days before. This can be a FLUTD disease, or a disease that make a cat can’t pee.  To help you overcome this problem, here is the article about how to help cat that can’t pee.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is not a specific name for a particular disease, but  it is well known as a term used to describe conditions that affect the bladder and urethra (urethra) of cats. FLUTD cat sufferers usually show symptoms of difficulty and pain when urinating, bloody urine, increased urinary frequency. Toxoplasmosis in Cat : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention will be a great reference for your cat’s health. Cats with FLUTD symptoms usually also tend to lick their genitals excessively, like looking for a cold and flat place like on a tiled floor or in a bathtub.

FLUTD cases rarely occur in cats under the age of 1 year and most cases occur in cats around 4 years. Male cats are more susceptible because the urethra (urethra) is longer and smaller in diameter. Best Vitamins You Could Give to Your Beloved Cat can help you to prevent any disease from your cat.  Dry feed intake, rarely or slightly outside the home, stress due to the environment, being at home with several cats (multi cat household) and sudden changes to daily habits also increase the risk of cats getting FLUTD. The general symptoms of FLUTD sufferers are usually:

  • Straining when urinating
  • Pee out in small amounts urinary frequency increases and urinary time becomes longer
  • Screaming in pain when urinating
  • Exaggeratedly licking her genitals
  • Urinating outside the sandbox (toilet) is provided
  • The presence of blood in urine

Should be noted that cats that suffer from blockages in the urethra (urethra) also show the above symptoms with little or no urine coming out. Urethral blockage is more common in male cats than female cats because males have a urethra that is longer and smaller in diameter. Urethral blockage is an emergency condition that must be immediately addressed by a veterinarian. Because of the varied causes, FLUTD is not easy to diagnose.

Based on the history and symptoms shown by the sufferer cat, the veterinarian will do a physical examination and if necessary also take urine and blood samples for laboratory tests and maybe even complete with an X-ray examination or ultrasound examination. How to Give First Aid to Cat can help you to give a first aid to your cat anytime they need your help.

The main causes of FLUTD usually are:

1. Urolithiasis (urinary stones)

Urinary stones (urolith), are a collection of minerals that form in the bladder or urethra (urethra), usually in the form of calcium oxalate or magnesium ammonium phosphate which is often referred as struvite. To confirm the presence of urinary stones, an examination using X-ray or ultrasound examination is needed. To dissolve this urine in the market, available feed with special formulations, but if the occurrence of this urinary stone occurs repeatedly and feeding with a special formula does not work well, it may be necessary to have surgery. After surgery, the veterinarian will usually recommend changes in feed to reduce the risk of urinary stones again.

2. Urinary tract infections

Although it is rare, urinary tract infections due to bacteria, fungi, parasites or viruses can cause FLUTD in cats. In general, bacterial infections occur more than fungi, parasites or viruses. If a bacterial infection occurs, it is most likely a result of a follow-up from other conditions such as urolith (urinary stones) or diabetes. In young cats the incidence of bladder infections is very rare, this is because the acidic urine causes difficult to develop bacteria. In cats over 10 years, kidney disorders and diabetes cause urinary acidity to decrease and increase the risk of bacterial infections. In older cats, FLUTD cases because more bacterial infections occur than because of urolith (urinary stones).Treatment of urinary tract infections depends on the severity and the causative organism, therapy can include fluid therapy, administration of acidifiers and antibiotics 7 signs that your cat is sick and needs attention will make you aware of your cat’s condition.

3. Urethra blockage

The most serious problem associated with the urinary system is when the urethra (the urethra) is partially or completely blocked. Cats sufferers will push when urinating, but the urine produced is very little or even none. At a glance, cats look like they are pushing because of constipation, but pushing in the sandbox is more often a symptom of a urethra blockage. Urethral blockage is a condition that can endanger the cat’s life if it is not treated immediately. Blockage can be caused due to the presence of hard urinary stones or due to soft lumps formed from minerals, cell debris and mucus.

The risk of blocking the urethra (urethra) in male cats is greater than that of females, this is because the urethra of male cats is longer and narrower. When a urethra condition is completely blocked, the kidney becomes dysfunctional as a result the fluid and electrolyte balance in the blood becomes disturbed and toxins in the blood cannot be removed. If not treated immediately, death can occur within 48 hours or less. Handling the blockage of the urethra (urethra) is primarily intended to open the existing blockage, usually by inserting (flushing) sterile solutions through a small tube called a catheter into the cat’s urinary tract.

After the blockage can be overcome, further treatment depends on the condition of the cat, to correct electrolyte balance disorders and dehydration given intravenous solutions through a vein (vein), antibiotics are given to prevent further infection and given treatment to restore bladder function. In cats that have undergone repeated therapy but still experience a blockage of the urethra (urethra), surgery is usually done to remove the blocked part, but due to possible side effects such as bleeding, urethra and urinary inconsistency, this action is considered as the last option.

4. Feline Idiopathic

Cystitis Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is a diagnosis that is often given to cats under 10 years with symptoms of FLUTD. The exact cause is not clearly known and may involve several systems or other body parts besides the urinary system. Diagnosis of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is usually concluded after other possibilities can be ruled out. There are no specific devices to help diagnose Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC). Stress and changes in feed are thought to influence the increased risk of developing Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC). As many as 40% – 50% of patients will experience the same symptoms within 1 year, but it is difficult for veterinarians to predict exactly when the repetition period will occur. This disease can be chronic (chronic) and often frustrates cat owners and veterinarians who treat it.

Best Vitamins to Improve Your Cat’s Skin can also be a good reference for you in order to maintain your cat’s health. Basically the current treatment goal of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is to reduce the severity of the disease and reduce the frequency of repetition. Usually veterinarians will start handling this case from changing behavior or habits, for example reducing things that can cause cats stress and providing moist or wet feed instead of dry feed.

How to Prevent any Repetition of FLUTD?

Depending on the main cause, usually FLUTD cases are rare or even non-repetitive, repetition is more common in cases of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC), to help reduce the possibility of repetition as follows:

  • Feed small amounts but often
  • Consult with a veterinarian, what is the most appropriate feed because the possibility of response for each case is different.
  • Make sure clean drinking water is available at all times.
  • Provide enough sandbox with sand that your cat likes (usually a number of cats in addition to one sandbox)
  • Keep the sandbox clean, clean it twice a day and replace the sand at least once a week.
  • Avoid sudden changes to routine things
  • Avoid stressful cats

That is all for the how to help cat that can’t pee article. I hope this article will help you to get the information you need about your cat.