3 Causes of Leg Disorders in Broiler Chickens


Everyday we see there are many fried chicken merchants ready to sell their goods everyday. Writers observed that most of the merchants would close up their shop around 8 to 9 pm and this fact occurs in every chicken merchants regardless what brand they sell to, not only that, they will open their shop again tomorrow thus refreshing their chicken stocks. In other words, we could say fried chicken business is a legit profitable business as many people who love to eat fried chicken everyday. If you don’t believe us, then try to buy chicken’s chest meat above 9 pm.

However, writer’s questioned how these merchant able to refreshen up their stocks everyday?. Do chickens are quick to grow?. Are they slaughtering  thousand of broilers everyday? Yes they do. According to UPC there are 50 billions broilers are being slaughtered each year that means roughly around 1.4 million broilers are being slaughtered each day even in US there are 300 broilers are being slaughtered each second!. Wow! No wonder every fried chicken merchants never run out of stock.

In order to able to slaughter hundreds chicken each second needs an easy and quick to grow chicken breed. Thus researchers invented a new genetized breed called broilers chicken. According to Animal Welfare, you just need to grow a broiler chicken for 8 to 9 weeks in order to able to slaughter them. In such incredible quick growth, no wonder people able to slaughtered them everyday all around the world. Hence making broiler’s meat will never out of stock.

However, there’s always a price. A price for such growth is there’s always a chance of the chicken bone structural would not be grow completely especially their leg’s bone structural. This surely will cause a leg disorder such as lameness to the broilers. According to Animal Welfare, there are 30 percent of broilers who suffers from leg disorder in Europe alone, in other words, leg disorder is a common price for breeding broiler chickens.

Well some of you especially broilers farmer may think it’s okay to underestimate leg disorder because it’s just their bone right? What we love about chicken is eating their meats or eggs not their bone. For your information, leg disorder could affected chicken meats and even their eggs. Why?. Because leg disorder could affect chicken’s psychology and emotion. It’s hard to walk around with such painful feet yes?. This pain would stress out chickens thus making them depressed hence affecting their meats and eggs quality. So if you are a farmer and want a profitable profit then this is a very serious matter that we need concerned about and you must know what causes leg disorders in broilers.

What Caused Leg Disorders in Broilers?

There are 3 causes of leg disorders in broilers that you need to be aware of and try to prevent it as best as you can.

  • Genetical Re-Formulation

Surely this is the main factors why broilers has a very great chance of being infected with leg disorders. Scientist has replaced many genetical structural of the chicken in order for them to grow quickly. Sometimes, the growth will not complete, thus making a great flaws as the risk of this re-formulation. Yes the chicken would grow quickly but their leg is complete but the bones who hold them will not strong enough.

  • Lack of Calcium

Just like any other creatures, broilers would suffered a bone disorder especially in their legs if they were lacking of calcium. Broilers is in dire need of calcium as their body would grow quickly but without the proper calcium, they will just grow but without a strong structural bones thus making them suffered from lameness and downgrading their meat and egg’s quality. Not only that, lacking of sunlight would also affect their bone as sunlight is the best method to make calcium become more effective in order to growing up a strong bones.

  • Lack of Exercise

Broilers does not need exercise like a dog. They just need a space so they can wander around the farm. If a farmer has a very cramped breeding house then surely the broilers would not have many options to wanders around the house thus making them lack of movement. This lack of movement would make broiler’s leg not trained enough, just like us if you don’t move your legs oftenly then you will forget how to walk even your legs can’t hold your own weight because you never use them, the same goes with broilers who lacks of exercise. Making their legs weak and causing a leg disorder, it even could affect the bone’s growth thus lameness would affect the broilers.

What should Farmer Do in Order to Prevent Leg Disorders?

  • Diet

First thing you can do to prevent leg disorders is to give your broilers a diet regime. Don’t worry about your broilers will starved to death. A diet here means that you must control how many portion of foods that you need to give to your broilers. A recommended portions of food that you must give them is 2 times a day. Also don’t forget to make sure every broilers has their own food box so they will receive a fair portions of food. Not only that you must not forget to give them vitamins, energy food, and proteins towards them. Don’t let them eat too much.

  • Give Them Enough Calcium

Giving calcium towards chicken is an easy as cake quest. You just need to buy calcium supplement from nearby shop. Pour it into their food box then let them drink it. Also don’t forget to mind farm’s ventilation system. An awful ventilation system would not let the sunlight to pass through the farm. Hence making your broilers will not a very significant calcium supply from the sun. So remember to make sure the sunlight could pass through your farmhouse.

  • Give Them Enough Space

To give your broilers enough exercise then make sure you don’t overcrowded your farmhouse so they will have enough space to wander around the farm. Make them wandering around surely is a very easy and good exercise for their legs. It would help them to strong their legs thus making them so far away from leg disorders.

Remember, you may take this leg disorders lightly but it would affect your broilers meat’s quality even its eggs. If you decided to sell them, then be prepared that you may got a complain from your loyal customers thus making you lost their trust hence making your farm less-profitable. So take this seriously and prevent your broilers from suffering a leg disorders and remember prevention is better than treatment.
