
5 Essential Things for Your Fish Tank that Fish Pet Owner Must Know

Having a fish as your pet might give you butterflies on your stomach as you will get a new member in your house! You may see some freshwater fish to put in your fish tank as your reference about what fish you want to keep. Keeping fish as a pet is always exciting and fun […]


6 Nutritional Food to Feed Your Betta Fishes

Betta fishes (or commonly referred to as Ikan Cupang in Indonesia) are fresh water fishes that originate from popular South East Asian countries such as: Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Vietnam. Aside from their unique physical features, Betta fishes have an aggressive personality that takes a certain group of people to understand and fully […]


7 Easy Ways to Clean your Fish Tanks

No matter what species are lives inside your aquariums, the Spanish dancer fish, Betta fish, golden fish, guppy, etc; the cleanness of the fish tank must be the number one priority. Fishes are highly intelligent creatures; your pet fish remember you, and fish point of view underwater is as good as our view above the […]


Before you Build your Fish Empire, Get Inspired from these Aquarium Designs

Fish point of you, people misunderstood because the measure of their tiny brain they couldn’t recognize you as their owners, but turned out your pet fish remember you! You should be proud and treat your fish better because they do understand you as their feeder and environmental surround them. The thing that you never possibly […]


Maximizes your Betta Fish Diet by Giving them these 2 Foods

Some animals of the wildlife could be a very pleasant accompany as a pet, especially fishes. Not only because they were not aggressive and dangerous, also because fishes are known as the most beautiful creatures on earth. Take an example of Spanish dancer fish. This fish was famous of the mesmerizing movement and body’s color […]


Reasons Why Dolphins Often Stranded on Beach and How to Save their Life

Sometime, we would hear in the news about some animal being stranded on the beach. These underwater creatures unfortunately could swim to close with the shoreline of water and stuck on the sand of the beach. In many cases, the species which frequently got stranded were whales and dolphins. Today article would analyze the reasons […]


Fish Point of View: How this Animal See the World?

Fish point of view: how this animal see the world? This question is very interesting. Do you, folks ever thought about it? How fish see their world, other animals, and us – human? The most certain point, I do believed that what they have seen is totally different from ours. They lived underwater which is […]


Do Your Pet Fish Remember You? A Study Say Yes!

Many people decided to pet animals to be their companion for life. Pets do  give us consolation in our bad days. They make us smile with their unpredictable behavior. Not only good for adulthood, apparently pet also bring some benefits for our children that growing up with pets. In the selection stage, people do have […]


3 Facts of Spanish Dancer Fish that will Remind You of Flamenco Dance

Fun facts about animal always fascinate us. To acknowledge the way all the living things beside human which also roam in the same realm like us would make us understand that we’re living in absolute mightiness of mother nature. All those wild animals, the common ones, and even the rare and the extinct ones, are […]


The Benefits of Papaya Leaves in Breeding Catfishes

Papaya leaves contains multiple vitamins that boosts one’s overall health. These magical leaves are often processed into vermicide medication, and other natural alternatives to medicine. Its bitter taste can boost one’s appetite – including catfishes’. When breeding catfishes, it helps to have a basic understanding of the health benefits papaya leaves hold for a more […]