5 Easy Steps to Assist A Goat Giving Birth in Homestead

Dear fellow animal lovers! Have you ever wonder what to do when your doe is in labor? Should we help her ourselves or just let her be? Or does calling a vet will be a better choice? Let’s say your doe is pregnant, then about 150 days or 5 months later there will be a […]

6 Ways to Breed Goats for Milk Productions

We raise goats usually for the purpose of the products: meat, milk, fiber, or skin. Some even raise them as a pet. Whatever the purposes are, we need to take good care of them and one of the life-cycle of a goat is, of course, breeding. Breeding is the first stage of three stages of […]

How to Naturally Cure Sore Mouth in Goats

Greetings, fellow animal lover! Who doesn’t want to have well-fitted animal friends? We all want our beloved animals fellow always happy and healthy. For whatever reason we are keeping them, we are responsible for their well-being. The happy animal makes a happy owner/farmer and vice versa. That applies to all animals, including our beloved goats. […]

6 Facts of Orf Disease in Goat You Should Know

We all want our beloved animals fellow always happy and healthy. For whatever reason we are keeping them, we are responsible for their well-being. The happy animal makes a happy owner/farmer and vice versa. That applies to all animals, including our goat. Talking about goat again, have you know that you can keep goats as […]

6 Important Guides to Starting Meat Goat Farming

Are you interested to start goat farming? What kind of product of goat you want to choose? Usually, there are dairy goat farming to produce goat milk and meat goat farming to provide goat meat. It is up to your intention. In this article, we will talk more on meat goat farming. There is much […]

Is It Possible to Keep Goat Live Inside The House?

Some people choose to have a goat as a pet. Which is okay because not only because it is cute, but also provides you with milk. Goat milk is good for you. It is good not only for your bone but also for your heart and can be an option for someone who has lactose […]

How to Tell That Your Goat is Close to Giving Birth

After a long wait, your doe will finally come into her labor! At the end of the pregnancy phase and close to the delivery date, there are a few things that you need to work on. Start to aware of all the small chance on your doe. Check your doe regularly and more frequently so […]

7 Effective Tips to Become A Successful Goat Farmer

If you starting to consider goat farming as a job, then there are a few points that you need to know first in order to be a successful goat farmer. Having a goat farm can be a valuable experience for you and also profitable. Goat knowns for its milk, meat, skin, and fiber which are […]

7 Cutest Breeds of Goat to Keep as A Pets

Goat usually owned to produce meat or milk. It’s uncommon to have a goat as a pet, but some people choose goat as a house animal just like cats or dogs which is cool because we all agree that goat can be as cute and friendly as the conventional pet! Having a goat as a […]

5 Recommended Dairy Goat Breeds to Your Farm

As we all know, goats are very usable. They can be kept as a friendly company to your family and provide us their healthy milk, meat, also fiber, depending on what we need. While you can raise one breed for every purpose, actually each kind has its own specialty. Like Pygmy goats that are popular […]