6 Tips to Make Your Cat’s Fur Shiny, Soft and Smooth

You may wonder why your cat’s fur becomes unattractive, dull and dry compared to your friends’ or relatives’ glossy cats. Some causes play a part in preventing this four-legged animal’s hair from producing the desired result of a healthy coat. Most vets will relate the issue to the lack of nourishment, mainly protein and fat, […]

6 Tips to Make Your Cat’s Fur Grow Thicker Without Side Effect

Had you hugged your cat between arms and find an enormous amount of hair glued to your cloth afterward? If it happened, your cat might suffer some furry issue that can possibly affect your cat’s well-being. Although cat’s hair, mainly the longhaired one, is prone to loosen, what is considered ‘normal’ will not generate a […]

7 Useful Tips to Make Your Rabbit Busy at Home

Rabbit is a great companion for any age and most people choose rabbit since it’s a cute and active pet. It loves to hop here and there, runs around your garden, and bunches of other cute stuffs. But then, those are so much they can do and they will get bored after weeks of unchanging […]

4 Easy Ways to Make a Cat’s Coat Healthy and Fluffy

The most challenging and apparent thing about making a cat as your own companion is taking care of its own coat. Unless your cat is a sphynx’s breed, you should take a great attention to this essential aspect of feline. It is prone to parasites, excessive shedding, thick mats and other problematical issues that are […]

2 Tips For Owners, How to Foster A Stray Adult Dog

A lot of people don’t know how to introduce themselves to a dog on the first encounter. Maybe this isn’t a problem when the dog is friendly or used to interact with humans. But what if the dog is scared or cowardly or not friendly with strangers? Improper way of introducing yourself may result in […]

7 Important Tips to Take Care of Mother Cat Before Having Kittens

As the cat owner, you should think over before deciding to breed your cat. Pregnancy in cat is a significant event. Taking care of cat’s life requires deep knowledge and experience. If you have a pregnant cat, you need to give extra special care, extra comfort, and extra treatment. A pregnant cat also demands much […]

Important to know! 2 ways to properly brush your cat

Cat is known for its obsession with self-cleaning and will instinctively groom herself nearly the entire day. Despite that, we cannot rely on the cat alone when it comes to the brushing. Your cat cannot handle some issues like fleas or excessive hair on her own. Thus, it is your job to aid the pet’s […]

5 Important Tips to Take Care of Mother Cat after Giving Birth

Momma Mia!!! Your cat has given birth adorable and cute kittens. Exactly, it will be an exciting time for you both. Absolutely, you can trust her for looking after her kittens, but how about the MOM? Who will be looking after? YES, the answer is YOU as the owner. As the owner you should take […]