3 Things to Consider before You Pet a Turtle

Turtle is famous for being a slow animal, as it is listed in the slowest animals in the world. Having a turtle as a pet at home might be hilarious for you and your kids. You may think having a turtle as a pet is an easy job. You may also think that a turtle […]

4 Popular Turtle Breeds to Pet

Tired of owning furry animals? Well, all of you aquatic pet lovers might want to try turtle for a change. A turtle is a very easy animal to take care because it does not need much care as well as attention. A turtle is well capable of managing on its own. They are considered as […]

3 Reasons Why Red Eared Slider Turtle is Not A Good Pet

Hello welcome to our animal care, guide and anything about animals article that you could find here. We are website dedicated to help any animal lovers to understand more about their animals and then therefore help them taking care of their animals properly. If you are animal lovers and looking for a help to take […]

4 Facts of Green Turtle and Their Physical Features

Our dear readers and viewers let us welcome you to our humble website of animal care. We are website dedicated to help any animal lovers all around the world to help take care of animals to make sure that we can help any animal lovers and pet owner in need. Our animal care website contains […]

What Are Specific Differences Between Water Turtle and Sea Turtle?

Hello our dear friends and reader, also welcome to our animal care website where you can find tons of animal care guidance, animal stuff you might need, animal fun facts and many more information about animals that you might like. If you are truly animal lovers then you will love to see our website here. […]

What Makes Turtle Habitat Divides Into Some Categories?

Hello guys, and welcome to our humble, small but always growing animal care website. When you are looking for an animal guide to help you taking care of your animals with ease then our website will be your best friend then. We provides lot of selections of article for our website here from popular kind […]

4 Facts of Turtle in Its Feeding Habit

Hello our dear readers and viewers, you are very welcome to our humble, outmost and always growing animal care website. If you are looking for an interesting animal care guide that can give you guidance for caring your beloved and dearly animals then you might like to see it in our website here. We are […]

How to Help Clearing the Path for Baby Sea Turtle to the Ocean

Sea turtle was included as the wild animals that roam the underwater world although we know that this animal was purely harm-less. Another nickname for sea turtle is marine turtle, which out of seven species five of them had been classified as endangered sea turtle species. The sea turtle is different from regular turtle, especially […]

2 Best Nutritition Facts That Should Be Contained in Pet Turtles Food

Hello good morning our dear readers and welcome to our humble website. In this website, we try to provide every pet owner with the best tips, facts and information all about animal. We try to provide important and interesting information about animal from A to Z, popular animal such as cats, dogs, to more exotic […]

The Mini Turtles Species in Russia

Hello there respectable readers, responsible pet owner, and our beloved viewers. For people that are first time visiting our website, we are website dedicated for animal lovers from all around the world. We provide the best and reliable sources for animal tips, guide, animal interesting facts, and many animal care guides. We provide as much […]