Understanding 3 Basics Behavior of Your Cat

Cat is unpredictable animal. Many times our cat would surprise us with their behavior and unusual demeanor. Moreover, they left us overwhelmed with the thing they did – some time it’s funny, but a lot of time it’s just annoying. One particular habit which quite disturbing is waking you up at night. Imagine, he will push your chick (or any part of your face he could reach) over and over in the middle of the night while you’re in a deep sleep. Furthermore, cats love to destroy things – turn everything into a playground even a battlefield.

Consequently, as a cat raiser, you should know how to deplete his energy in a smart and fun way, such play happily with your cat at home. For your note, there are incredible suitable games that will make your kittens go crazy. All I need to say is, spend a quality time with your cat is a must. His happy and healthy should be your primarily mission as the owner. Notwithstanding, I do understand the absence of your present sometime. To outmanoeuvre this issue, you could try to make easy diy cat toys to keep him company while the absence of your present.

Hereinafter, understanding 8 basics behavior of your cat would be egression to know the true meaning of all demeanor shown by your cat. Also, it becomes the medium to build up the deeper bond between the two of you. And I know, all their actions – even sometime we couldn’t understand – are the main reason why we fell in love with this furry creature. Their curiosity, independent, and playfulness, are the passage of charm to melt our heart. And yes, we do loved our cat with all their craziness!

1. Ways of Communication

In order to develop a proper communication, kittens needed earlier vocalization. The intensity of vocalization depend on the loudness level of feedback. Therefor, there are variety of vocalization you need to know – the tunes of voices – deep or light – are described different meaning of what your kitten want to deliver.

Examples, a soft buzz or purring might be the meaning that your cat possibly is sick or not in a good physic condition. When you heard your cat meows to you, this vocalization could be describe as a greeting – meows also used by mother to interact with her kitten. If meows was intended to human, had been researched that those vocalizations was occurred to manipulating human to do something they wanted. When you witness a cat spitting ad hissing that indicate that the cat was in defensive mode or possibly is angry.

Also, you would see cats often yowls when they were in distressed and when they become aggressive. Furthermore, chattering indicated restrained from hunting or simply the cat is do a hunting. If you a didn’t know the signs of chattering cat, in general, the cat would make a quick chirp and their mouth moving in extreme speed while their eyes are fixated at one object. These signs are channeling that the cat was in urge of hunt.

Body Language of Cat

The way cats communicate was strongly rely to body languages. How cats would purr, lick people, and rub their body against object was parts of the body languages. Body languages could be seen through the tail, back posture, ears, and head position.

The movement of head and ears toward a source of sound is indicated that a cat in awareness, when you spoke to your cat and they flutter his tail as respond, that was the form of interaction he would have with you. A long blink is indication of affection, trust and love of cat toward you.

Spraying and Scent Rubbing

Spraying and scent rubbing was indication of marking territory behavior. When you saw a cat did cheek rub on prominent object in some places, this behaving was called facial marking which signify that the places are safe. Another behavior of marking territory is praying urine. A neutered male and female commonly would not spray urine – also, spraying only accomplish to the vertical surfaces.

Ordinarily, when you see a cat urinating on horizontal surfaces at home or outside, this was indicated as dissatisfaction – or be careful, this behavior could be a sign of tract problem of urinary.

Body Postures of Cat

  • Stretching: is indicated that the cat was relaxed.
  • Relaxed: lying and sitting – breath in slow to normal, legs bent, extended or hind laid out legs was indicated that the cat was relaxed.
  • Confident: when the tail up while the cat walk in comfortable manner around the house, this indication of confident in cat.
  • Yawning: when you see your cat yawning accompany with doing a stretch, this was another posture indicate of relax status.
  • Tense: when the cat lying on his belly, his body lower than the upper body while moving back or standing – the tail was close to body and the hind legs are bent – this was indication of tense.
  • Terrified: the cat would crouch on top of his paws and shaking, all the hairs was standing, legs stiff, all these gesture are indications of fear.

2. Eating Pattern of Cat

Cats are categorized as carnivores, so do not try to give him a vegetarian diet. A wild cat would usually hunt small mammals as his food. When you see cat chewing grasses that’s nothing to do with his main dietary, this action was likely to stem from feline ancestry. Cat tongue has no sweet receptors, so a high carbohydrate menu which contained high mount of sugar cannot be process in a good way in digestion systems.

The way cat drink the water is by lapping the water surface with his tongue. Approximate a teaspoon of water is take each lap.

3. Toileting

cat would learn to associate toileting with the material you used when they were still a kitten. Growing into an adult, a cat could choose to go inside they litter tray or go outside (in your backyard or garden) – it’s up to each individual preference. If you had more than one cat, it’s the best if you provide one litter box per-cat, it’s even better if you had one extra litter box. Make sure that the litter box always in clean condition, because cat literally don’t like using  soiled or dirty trays.

Cat was the creature of habit, once they prefer toileting in one certain place, they will likely continues to use that place (unless there’s something cause him to averse the place).

I wish all the best on your journey as a cat raiser, Folks!