Animal A-Z

7 Amazing Animals that Camouflage Very Well

Camouflage is one of the behavioral adaptations animals do in order to survive in the wild. Camouflage is the technique animals use to mimic plants, ground cover or even other animals in order to hide or hunt. An animal which can camouflage very well may be able to hide from its predators or even from […]

Animal A-Z

8 Incredible Animals in the Baltic Sea

Have you ever heard about the Baltic Sea? The area of the Baltic Sea covers about 392,000 kilometers squares of the surface. It is only a tiny part of the Atlantic Ocean’s surface for the right measurement. The Baltic Sea has a unique geographical state that makes it has riches in living animals in the […]

Animal A-Z

8 Endangered Animals in the Mediterranean Sea

Have you ever wondered what kind of animals that living in the Mediterranean Sea? If you ever go through the sea whether, by cruise or another way, you will realize that this sea has the largest species living there. Scientists reported that there are more than 17,000 species of animals in the Mediterranean Sea. Most […]

Animal A-Z

5 Various Animals Found In Palearctic Region

Have you ever heard about the Palearctic region? The Palearctic region is a region that covered some of the countries around Europe, Asia, the northern Himalayas, and the Northern parts of Africa. Those countries of the Palearctic region are well-known for the riches of fauna that live around there. Some of them even become the […]

Animal A-Z

5 Animals Living in the Australian Savanna

The Australian tropical savanna is a home to many animals. Furthermore, it is considered as one of the world’s largest tropical savannas. The Australian tropical savanna is an area of dense grass and scattered trees that stretches across northern Australia from Broome to Townsville. Not only kangaroo, there are some other species of animals to […]

Animal A-Z

6 Animals You can Find in Alpine Tundra

Alpine tundra is considered as a land of extremes. It has strong and frequent winds along with cold temperatures. Hence, it limits the plants that can grow there. Alpine tundra is opposite to the Arctic tundra and away from the pole regions. The word “Alpine” is derived from the high mountains found in Central Europe […]

Animal A-Z

What Animals Live in Siberian Tundra?

The Siberian tundra is located in the northeast part of Russia. It is a chilly place that can reach a temperature as low as -40 degrees Celsius. Living in Siberian tundra is not that easy. That’s why the organisms living there need to adapt to survive. You can find some unique plants living there, such […]

Animal A-Z

Look at these 6 Awesome Sea Animals that can Change Colour!

Animals are amazing in their own ways. They can survive in dangerous environment with their amazing ways of adaptation. One of the adaptations animals can do is by changing colours. They do this in order to escape from their predators. You might be familiar with chameleon which can camouflage with its surrounding. Understand reasons chameleon […]

Animal Tips

8 Dangerous Food That Poisonous to Your Pet

Have you ever wondered if some food is poisonous to your pet? There is so much proof of it that you need to be careful about feeding your pet. Some of that food can make your pet sick and even cause death for the worst. At least you should know some of the symptoms such […]

Animal A-Z

Let’s Take an Action to Prevent the Reasons Why Species are Endangered

When an animal is endangered, it means that the species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. More and more animal species are on the verge of extinction because of some factors. Sadly, the main factor of endangered species is human. Human encroachment on their habitats is the […]