
3 Ways to Take Care of Hamster After Giving Birth

When you already know everything about your hamster’s pregnancy, it would be much easier for you to take care of them. You will know how they’re going to behave, what to do with the cage, what do to with other hamster, what to do with the food. You will know on how to handle them in general […]


4 Easy Steps to Adopt A Rabbit for Beginners

The rabbit whose Latin name Oryctolagus cuniculus is a member of the Mammalian order Lagomorpha, family Leporidae. Lagomorphs are herbivores, crepuscular or nocturnal, and territorial. Rabbit is a digger of underground passageways in the wildlife. A rabbit is one of the calm animals. Many breeds/types of rabbits are cute looking. A long-commitment when you decide […]


3 Symptoms to Tell That Your Cat Has Rabies

It is a common knowledge that rabies is lethal for both human and the carrier. One can figure animals suffering this deadly disease by perceiving their aggressive, violent behavior along with their sudden attack on whoever comes near. Therefore, few people know that this extreme behavior is generally the second stage of this fatal disease. […]


6 Easy Guide to Treat Your Skinny Rabbit and Gain Healthy Weight Fast

A lot of rabbit owners getting confused when the rabbit seems skinny or lack of appetite. This kind of question often asked by the owner, “ how to improve the appetite?, why is rabbit reluctant to eat and skinny, how to fatten quickly ?”. If you asked that way, you don’t need to be surprised […]


How To Take Care Of Hamster At Home For Beginners

This pet is so cute, funny and adorable always. Hamster is an animal that has many varieties of colors and they have a short tale. This pet is usually picked by people because this pet is very tiny and it is easy to take care.  Hamster is a nocturnal animal, it means they are more […]


9 Early Symptoms of Rabies In Cats (must know!)

When it comes to your cat, you ought to know at least one or two knowledge of common diseases that can influence the condition of your fluffy pet. In the worst case scenario, some of these illnesses may result in a fatal death. Rabies is one of the well-known diseases that is capable of bringing such thing […]