Beware of these 5 Common Diseases in Poultry

Chickens are mainly raised for their meat or eggs. No matter what you raise your chickens for, you should keep them healthy and happy. Happy chickens will make happy owners, means more profit for your hatchery. If you’re a beginner in poultry farming, then this guide to start layer poultry farming for beginners will be […]

7 Ways on How to Breed Freshwater Shrimp at Home

Talking about seafood, you’ll definitely be thinking on how delicious these dishes are. For sure there are also a lot of marine creatures that can be consumed besides fish, shrimp for example. The type of shrimp that we are going to discuss is freshwater shrimp. Freshwater shrimp is a type of shrimp which lives in […]

Fences For Your Sheep And Goats: What, How, Why?

Who likes counting sheep when they cannot sleep? Counting sheep is a popular term that we use over decades as a means of putting oneself to sleep by counting every jumping sheep over a fence until we are sleepy. But, have you ever questioned, why sheep? and why the sheep are jumping over e a […]

12 Tips on How To Start Your Own Livestock Farm

Before starting your own animal farm, there are certain rules and regulations you’d need to understand. There are multiple types of farms that all requires different needs – thus the regulations are not uniformed for all types of farms. More so, the development of technology overtime has contributed to the farm’s changing requirements. Regardless of […]

The Benefits and Needs of Urban Farming

Modern times calls for a modern lifestyle. Pollution, diseases, and other alike have drastically increased due to our irresponsible actions that does hinders us from preserving our dying environment. In an attempt to trace back our actions, and with the help of the development of technology, most people have now started urban farming their organic […]

The Benefits of Using Honey Bees For Gardening

Aside from making one of nature’s most effective remedy, the honey, Honey bees serves multiple purposes and needs – including gardening. If you’re new into the world of gardening and livestock, be sure to read through this article to find out more on the benefits of using honey bees for gardening. 1. Cost Efficient One […]

4 Beginners Guidance to Raise Sheep in A Small Farm

Who doesn’t know about this animal? Sheep is one of iconic animal among others which often used as main character on animation figure. One serial TV that describe the nature of this animal in form of animation is called Shaun The Sheep. I bet you already know it – or at least your children know […]

6 Basic Guide of Goat Farming for Beginners

Having a goat farming can be a promising business since there will be always the need for goat’s product, such as meat, milk, and coat. To do goat farming, you must prepare and plan many things for your farm. Here we will discuss about 6 basic guide of goat farming for beginners. 1. Check Local […]

8 Challenges When Starting a Poultry Farming

Hello there, fellow poultry farmer! How business going? We hope the business will become profitable always, every day, and more. We all know that indeed poultry farming is profitable; both layer and meat of chicken farm are indeed profitable. As all of you already know, that people love chicken meat and eggs, you can see […]

9 Facts of Layer Chickens that You Must Know before You Start Farming Them

Hello there, fellow poultry farmers! How’s business doing? We hope the business will be always profitable and growing every day, and more. Yup, chicken farm business surely is profitable these days, especially if people love eating chicken eggs and meat every day. You can see a fried chicken restaurant will always be full of customers […]