All the wild animals among the wildlife lives was depended on their natural habitat in the nature. A catastrophe occurred when those animals loss their natural habitat, and this is what happened to all the Polar animals in Arctic these days due the ice area has creased. One of the animals that’s in the threat […]
Author: Adityapuspa Putri Prameswari
There are many rabbit’s breeds you could pick as pet, such as cottontail rabbits, Beveren rabbits, Flemish Giant Rabbits, lionhead rabbits, Angora rabbit, and many others. But, note this, people, there are still wild rabbits out there that prefer nature as their home. Furthermore, as one of the most preferable pet on earth, there’s a […]
Whose here agree that rabbit is one of most the cutest pet animals on earth? I bet many of you, my dear friends has raised their hands; and yes, they were apparently (after cats and dogs). Who would deny it? Rabbit become one the most iconic animal of all time! There’s a lot of movies […]
There would always be a mystery hidden in the wildlife. All those wild animals have secrets just like us human, and one of the biggest secret was hidden in animals’ behaviors. If we study deeper and deeper about wildlife natural behaviors among the nature, the more we surprise by how – at some points, these […]
How wild squirrels live their life in the wild nature? This subject was an interesting thing to discuss. The majority of people know this animal on the screen (TV) through popular movies such as Alvin and the Chipmunks, one of the main characters in Spongebob called Sandy, and others. Did you know, that many varieties […]
How can Birds Lay their Eggs in Spring?
How can birds lay their eggs in spring? You might curious about this thing, but be patience, my dear friends. But, yes, there’s so much interest thing to discuss about these wings creatures that we called birds. Bird was one of several families of animal kingdom that lived on the earth. Birds have so many […]
Frenemies Phenomena in Animals
Do you realize, my dear friends that many animals’ phenomenon that occurred among this wild animal. From deadly virus (which also occurred in human) that threatened the life of animals species, and some other physical and mental health diseases. Not to mention others stuff that only occurred in particular species such as the dolphins that […]
Birds was become one the most beauty creatures on earth. They were so magnificent and wonderful – plus, they have things that often make us – human jealous for them. Can you guess what it is? The wings. If you look closer, there are so many varieties of birds species on this earth; both the […]
This earth was created into a sacred circle relationship between nature and animal – and other mysterious creatures included us: human. We, human should had content and stable relation to all the list of animals among the wildlife due our survival. No matter what we think, we – human cannot live on this earth without […]
The nature and animals was always be connected no matter what happened, even in this global warming era. Wild animals all over the world – they extinct due the loss of habitat and this extreme phenomenon. A lot of people concern due the fact of this tragedy that fell upon the wildlife – especially because […]