Animal A-Z

These Facts will be Happen to Animal if Human do Vegan Diet

Did you ever imagine what would be like if every single person on earth is a vegan? What would happen to all animals out there? This question was very interesting because we all know that human – until these days was strongly depended on livestock. That is also why livestock farm is one of the […]

Animal A-Z

What would Happen if Piglet found Their Tails Cut Off?

Pigs become one of most the highest demand of livestock. Although not everyone able to eat it (most of the time due religious and cultural belief), no one could deny that pig’ meat was become so many people favorite. However, so many other familiar livestock farms you already knew such as farm sheep, water crab […]


Is it possible to do feeding Dogs by Giving Vegetables? What to Know?

Keeping dog as pet at home was one of the most incredible experience. There’s so many things about dog that make people love this particular animal, they were perfect obedience pet and let’s talk about dog’ loyalty to their owners – there’s no pet animal that could ever compared to this lovely creature. Furthermore, although […]

Animal A-Z

Stop Dolphin Exploitation: The Biggest Mistakes of Dolphinariums

Ocean-dwellers are one of the most magnificent mother earth present for human. Varieties of wondrous animal species from fishes such as Betta fish, Spanish dancer fish, butter fish; some of enormous terrifying creatures such sharks and sea crocodiles. Do not forget the cetaceans (aquatic member mammals) members such as whales, porpoises, and dolphins. This is […]

Animal A-Z

3 Things about Macaque Skills that Should be Known

Relationship between nature and animals never bored anyone. The wildlife that have been given to us by our beautiful mother earth never stop flaunts its wondrous. Today, we would talk about one of the species of primates called macaque. Did you ever hear about this wild animal? Well, yes, unlike other primate family members such […]

Animal A-Z

2 Facts of Dolphin Mental health in Dolphinarium

The underwater world held one of the most beautiful and wondrous lives with it. As we know, there’s a lot of animals species which lives inside the seas, oceans, and rivers. Let’s names some of sea’ creatures such as turtles with varieties of species, included: sea turtles, green turtles, seahorses, Spanish dancer fishes, octopus, sharks, […]

Animal A-Z

The Scariest Facts Behind Petting Otter as a Pet

Wild animal being a pet? That’s so interesting, isn’t? Who say you can’t pet wild animals as pet? In fact, there are many lists of names of exotic animals could be keep as pet, such as exotic cats the Bengal and Sphinx cats. Yes, both of them are allowed to keep as pet although both […]

Animal A-Z Livestock

A Reason Why Some Factory Farms need to Cut the Piggies’ Tail Off

Livestock farm is one of the most successful business on human history. Yes, everybody need to eat and livestock animals provide it to us. This is very profitable business you everyone could try – as long as you like animals, though. You could see the examples of livestock farm such as healthy goat farm and […]

Animal A-Z

Does Cougar and Cat has the Same Ways to treat?

Cougar is one of the big cats of wildlife that attracted people to pet them. Yes, seeing people take a picture of cougar in the middle of wildlife, you wouldn’t fall for it? Can you keep cougar as pet? The answer depend on where you live, folks; but, the good news is some states in […]

Animal A-Z

Can You Keep Cougar as Your Pet?

A lot of interesting aspects about wild animals we couldn’t compare to pet animal. Their wildness, strength, and magnificent surround their appearances. From the edge of the earth of Arctic with all its Polar animals to the desert of South Africa, mother earth has exhibited her power in front of human’ eyes. That is also […]