
4 Misunderstanding in Treating Persian Cat (must know!)

You must have seen a cat, right? From ordinary cats with thick and adorable fur to unique cats that have no fur at all. Or maybe you keep a cat at home? Oh, is that a Persian Cat? Perfect! Because at this moment we will spend time with Persian Cats. For those of you who […]


6 Naked Facts About Sphynx as Hairless Cat

Do you want to keep a cat but can’t afford to fall out of your fur? You want to keep cats but have allergies to animal hair. No need to worry because Sphynx Cats can be an alternative of your choice. Sphynx cats are a type of cat known for lack of fur. Even in […]


4 things you must know About Cross Breeding Tabby Cat to Other Cats

Cross breeding is activity to combine sperm cells and egg cells from two different types of individual animals to produce a new individual. Initially this progress was used to help endangered animals to maintain their species so they took cells from both males and females and carried out fertilization outside and then put the fertilized […]


Mating Domestic and Persian Cats Together

Some cat lovers like to claim that people who were never fond of cats are the way they are because they never gave our fluffy friends a chance. This leads to the rhetorical question: what is it about their adorable little faces and fluffy bodies that is not to love?! Many cat lovers here would […]


Signs of Cats that Wants to Play

Cats are smart animal. They can express a variety of emotions like fear, sad, jealousy, or love. Cat owners should know whether or not their cat is happy and want to play or not. Here are signs of cats that wants to play with the explanations provided. Loves to play In general, cat likes to […]


17 Important Signs of Scared Cats

Cats are one of the most favorited pets aside from dogs. But sometimes owners don’t know the signs of some problems in their cat. Just like humans and other animals, cats are also susceptible to fear. The solutions are not that different from dogs. If you noticed that there’s some behaviors that your cat shows […]


13 Signs of Nervous Cat You Should Know

There are some few signs of cats that experience nervousness that we need to know as a cat owner, since because it can answer some of the unanswered questions that about cat’s problem in general. If you noticed that your cat is experiencing nervousness, you should take immediate actions. Here are the signs of nervous […]


Signs of 1 Week Pregnant Cat

Pet cats, as like other mammals, could reach pregnancy state to produce offspring. As a cat owner, you must know the signs that may occur on your pets when they are 1 week pregnant. As in humans, recognizing the 1 week pregnancy on your cat could help you prepare for the coming of the new […]


Signs of Male Cat that Have Successfully Mated

If you’re planning to have kittens, then there’s a few steps to need to do, like vaccinating at least one month before mating, taking you cat to the vet two week before mating to get smear microflora, and also to go to the vet ten days before mating for fleas and worms prevetion.  To make […]


5 Rarely Known Reasons of Why Cat Loves Fish

Funny behaviors and cute physical appearance were the reasons why cats become one of the most popular pets around the world. As cat owners, surely there are some habits that needs to be studied about cats, which one of them is how cats love to consume fish, which is already commonly known. Here are the […]