How Does Teddyhamster Look Like?

Well hello there our dear readers and viewers, welcome to our small but always humble animal website that always give out a simple animal care guide and animal facts to read every day. If you are truly animal lovers and seeking animal care guide then you might want to check out our dear article here. […]

7 Ways on How to Keep Hamster Odorless

How to make hamster odorless? You might be one of this cute animal owner or you are just so in love with this animal. Yes, hamster is one of the cutest animals, with its thin whiskers which show its uniqueness. There are 7 Kinds of Cute and Unique Hamster in The World. Hamster is one […]

8 Signs of Dying Hamster that are Easy to be Seen

Having a pet at home is really is different, because not most people can do it considering that not every people love animals. One more that you need to know is hamster, which its shape similar to a rat although it is categorized as rat. Hamster is not a rat because both of them are […]

Hamster lovers! Is it Worth to Join the Hamsters Online Community?

Greetings Hamster lovers! How are you little furry friend doing? Is he happy and healthy? Well, we already discussed a lot about how to take care of the hamster. From what to consider before buying one, how to set up your hamster’s cage, until their favorite meals that you can choose for their diet plans! […]

Do Russian Hamsters Should Live in The Wild Nature Before It Is Caring?

Russian hamsters or Russian dwarf hamsters are one of the most popular types of rodent pests. When not in captivity, Russian hamster is native North-Kazakhstan and western Siberia, but nowadays, they are even popular across Europe and North America. Their natural fur color is ‘ruddy’ or ‘agouti’ color, which is a kind of grayish or […]

The Most Brilliant Idea to Serve the Healthiest Hamster Food

Who doesn’t love hamsters? Hamster is one of the popular choices for a pet and usually mistaken with guinea pigs. Talking about their food, we often pictured hamsters with chubby cheeks, filled with sunflower seeds, just like in our old Sunday morning cartoon. But you might be wondering what would hamsters eat in reality? Well, […]

7 Kinds of Cute and Unique Hamster in The World

What are kind of hamsters in the world? There are plenty of it, and there are a lot of species that you might want to know. Talking about hamster, we have discuss on the previous articles on 7 Ways on How to Invite Hamsters to Play and the signs of dying hamster, it really is important […]

7 Ways on How to Invite Hamsters to Play

Hamster? Who doesn’t know this animal? Small cute animal that mostly taken as a pet. Unfortunately there are still a lot of people that consider hamster as a mouse. What you need to know is that hamster and mouse are two different kind of animal, they might look slight the same with its whisker and […]

4 Kinds of Baby Hamster Food Based on Their Ages

Hamster is a cute animal with soft fur. A lot of people say that this animal is a mouse, but the truth is, it is not. It isn’t right if hamster is a mouse, although both of them are rodent animal, hamster isn’t part of pest like mouse do. Beside, hamster is cuter with a […]

7 Ways To Differentiate Male and Female Hamsters

Hamsters have become a popular choice of pet for households everywhere. Children especially adore these fluffy spunky creatures for their cuddly physiques. However, some people can’t stand the sight of these fluffy rodents – as said people can’t overlook the fact that hamsters are closely related to the sewer rats people have been accustomed. Despite […]