
Potential Reasons Why Your Snake Companion is Losing Their Appetite

As times and pop culture changes, modern trends have evolved hand in hand with them too. Society has clung to the outrages fashion trends of every other thing you can ever think of – including adopting wild animals as pets. Strangely, despite their frightening looks and hostile nature, snakes are a popular choice amongst these […]


4 Kind of Hamster Feeds That Should Be Avoided

As we know that food is fundamental thing for every life creature. As main energy source, food become first needed. Every life creature has their own speciality on food. Not every life creature can eat same kind of food. There is food that should be avoided by any life creature. Usually, the food that should […]


5 Facts About Hamster Breed That You Should Know

Hamster. This cutie animal that popularly pet at home has uniquely thing about their breeding. Did you ever imagine with their mini size, how they can breed and pregnant well and carrying more than three babies in their womb? It is really amazing, right? If we compare it with us human, we are nothing fellas. […]


What Should We Do to Prepare the Hamster for Sale?

Who is in here that didn’t love hamster? This small animal that still related with mouse is cutie animal that popularly pet at home. People usually chooses hamster to pet at home because of their economical side which is their small size also means that they don’t need large space both for rest, poop, pee, […]


5 Different Ways to Identify Your Turtle’s Sex

Raising a pet of your own had always been a popular dream for animal lovers everywhere. From dogs, to cats, to even wild animals – your animal companion could be found anywhere. Looking back at the varied choices, the turtle has managed to steal a lot of hearts along the way. As the human companion […]

Wild Animal

13 Tips In Constructing Your Lizard’s Living Spaces

Lizards has been growing as an increasingly popular choice for pets, due to their low maintenance. Enthusiasts have been ethically breeding them as well. Even so, raising a lizard still requires special care. One important factor to consider, that is often underestimated, is preparing their cages beforehand. If you’re considering on adopting one of your […]


How to Raise a Healthy and Happy Chameleon

Raising wild animals of your own is no easy task. Wild animals, such as chameleons, require special attention and care. Some might even debate between the ethics of domesticating one in the first place, but most reptile enthusiasts would quickly oppose to these arguments. Chameleons are exotic reptiles with their own endearing personalities. One special […]


Things To Consider Before Investing on a Chameleon

It’s no brainer that chameleons are beautiful animals. Their natural ability to camouflage, beautiful eyes, and a sparky personality has managed to steal the hearts of many animal lovers everywhere! However, raising a chameleon of your own requires hard work and responsibilities. If you’re thinking of adopting one of your own, be sure to read […]

Wild Animal

10 Reasons Why a Corn Snake is the Perfect Pet for You

At first glance, most people are generally intimidated by the idea of keeping a pet snake. They have this notion that all snakes are dangerous, slimey, and foul-smelling. In reality, that is not always necessarily the case. As a matter of a fact, only 200 out of the 2000 species of snakes are venemous, and […]

Wild Animal

7 Things To Consider Before Raising a Biawak

The Biawak, notorious for their terrifying size and frightening looks, is part of the reptilian family. The animal can be found in hot and tropical habitats: such as Africa, Asia, and Australia. It is a wild animal that, when placed in certain situations, can be feral. Wild Biawaks are able to harm other species and […]