
Salmon’s Migration: A Long Journey

There are reasons why animals migrate. One of the reasons are to avoid winter and for reproduction, and this is one of the reasons why migration of birds happens. Do the birds migratory happen to all species of the birds? Another animal that migrates is salmon. This migration becomes an animal culture. Speaking of animal […]


Arapaima Gigas: Origin, Habitat, and Characteristics

Arapaima gigas (pirarucu), also called rapaima or paiche by the locals. It is a massive yet smooth, streamlined freshwater fish that is deemed native to the streams of the Amazon River basin. Arapaima gigas can inhale air, permitting the fish to make it in pools with low water levels or rotting vegetation. During the most […]


7 Ways on How to Breed Freshwater Shrimp at Home

Talking about seafood, you’ll definitely be thinking on how delicious these dishes are. For sure there are also a lot of marine creatures that can be consumed besides fish, shrimp for example. The type of shrimp that we are going to discuss is freshwater shrimp. Freshwater shrimp is a type of shrimp which lives in […]


10 Types of Freshwater Lobster that You Need to Know

Lobster is one of the most consumed marine animal, besides its savory with soft texture meat turns out it contain some nutrition that is useful for our body. Here are some lobster benefits that is good for your body : Multivitamins One of its benefits is to fulfill our body vitamin needs. That is why […]


8 Ways on How to Breed your Freshwater Lobster

Talking about sea animals, one of the most met animals in restaurant is lobster. Besides lobster, crabs also has a quiet high selling price which you can read on : How To Profit From Breeding Mangrove Crabs or Introduction To Breeding Mangrove Crabs. Lobster may look like a shrimp in shape but lobster actually bigger and […]

Eel Livestock

8 Ways on How to Differentiate Male and Female Eel

There are a lot of sea animal that we know, even some snakes live on sea. Besides fish, shrimp, fish, lobster and others, there is also eel. Yeah, you might know this animal who live in water which look like snake. For a glance it might look like a snake for its long and quick […]


8 Ways to Healthily Feed Your Betta Fishes

Aside from birds, rabbits, dogs, and hamsters- fishes have grown into an increasingly popular choice for house pets. Some families dream of having a beautiful aquarium installed in their living spaces, filled with the fishes they’ve raised on their own – while some stay modest and keep their fishes in a small glass container with […]


6 Nutritional Food to Feed Your Betta Fishes

Betta fishes (or commonly referred to as Ikan Cupang in Indonesia) are fresh water fishes that originate from popular South East Asian countries such as: Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Vietnam. Aside from their unique physical features, Betta fishes have an aggressive personality that takes a certain group of people to understand and fully […]


7 Easy Ways to Clean your Fish Tanks

No matter what species are lives inside your aquariums, the Spanish dancer fish, Betta fish, golden fish, guppy, etc; the cleanness of the fish tank must be the number one priority. Fishes are highly intelligent creatures; your pet fish remember you, and fish point of view underwater is as good as our view above the […]


Before you Build your Fish Empire, Get Inspired from these Aquarium Designs

Fish point of you, people misunderstood because the measure of their tiny brain they couldn’t recognize you as their owners, but turned out your pet fish remember you! You should be proud and treat your fish better because they do understand you as their feeder and environmental surround them. The thing that you never possibly […]