
Is It Safe To Keep A Dog Outside In Rainy Season?

Is it safe to keep a dog outside in rainy season? That is a very common question for every dog’s owner when we are entered the rainy season. Dr. Sarah Tauber, a veterinarian from DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital in Portland, Oregon said: it is best, in general, to take a breaks outside during […]


3 Easy Methods To Keep Your Dog Dry In The Rain

Dogs is just like the sunshine that bring the light into our lives, make it brighter and full of joyfulness each day. Watch them welcoming us home from our tiring days are such a treasure and pleasant thing – even though the forecast is not always bright and sunny. But seeing their happiness will absolutely […]


How to Take Care of a Goat as a Pet

Goat is a smart animal and have the ability to form a close bond with its owner. To have a goat as a pet, you need many consideration and things to fulfill goat’s need. It is important for goat’s owners to know how to take care of a goat as a pet. So here are […]


4 Diseases You Can Catch From Dog Urine and Feces

A dog is a lovely animal, and man’s best friend. It is truly an amazing experience to have such a loyal creature like a dog in our home, and it is such a rewarding experience too. However, there are many things that you need to consider and think about when buying or adopting a dog. […]


3 Most Common Fleas That Will Affects Your Dog

Fleas are one of the most annoying little pests that commonly infesting any hairy mammals like cats and dogs. Fleas might not be very dangerous, and mostly just like an annoyance pests, unlike the ticks that can cause Lyme disease or lice infestation, fleas might be just a mere annoyance for human and their pets. […]


What kind of diseases can you get from dog saliva? Here are the answer

A dog is a man best friend. Although a dog is a loyal creature, great pets and can be our cutest lifelong companion, there can be many disease and complication that caused by your pooch. A dog can carry many diseases and harmful pathogen. Many dangerous pathogens thrive inside a dog, and it can be […]


6 Common Dog Diseases That Are Contagious to Human

Just like a human, dogs can also get sick, and carry out many diseases and dangerous virus. Some of the dog diseases aren’t very harmful, however, there are also many common disease that are contagious to human, and can be quite dangerous if you ignore them. Some of the most contagious diseases can be carried […]


2 Dangerous types of fungal diseases in dogs

Dogs can get diseases, and there are many types of diseases that can attack our lovely pooch. From the serious and infamous rabies diseases to very common diseases like skin diseases, fungal infection and many more. Although skin disease like fungal diseases is pretty common and easy to cure, it can be such a nuisance […]


4 Rainy Season Diseases That Might Attack Your Dog

Keeping the health of our dogs is one of few main priority that every owner should bear. Make sure you feed them with healthy food, keep an eye on their mental state, and also keep them safe from the seasonal disease. Seasonal disease is always become a thing that haunt us as an owner, make […]


The Difference Between Chicken Fleas and Poultry Lice (Important to Know!)

Hello there, fellow poultry farmers! How business doing? We hope your business will always be profitable every day, more, and long lasting. Lastly, we have talked about how to identify lice attack on your beloved poultry; it is indeed troublesome to any poultry farmer to have a lice attack on their farm, or simply for […]