
Is Garlic Safe For Dogs? Get to Know 6 Facts Here

Is garlic safe for dogs? As a dog lover, you may have heard about this issue. Then, you try to find out about the right answer. A lot of positive and negative information you get about garlic for dogs. Some say that garlic can kill dogs. On the other hand, some argue that garlic is […]


How To Tell That Your Dog Is Really Bored #SuperEasy

Dog is a super-active pet, it will switch into exploring mode and starts to find out its surroundings. It also gets excited easily when finding stuffs that quite attractive. Having a dog also lift up the owner’s stress, and lit up the mood. But do you know that dog also able to get bored? If […]

Technology for animal

The Scientist Creating Technology to Translate Animal Language

When we have pets surely we want to be closer with them. We want to know how do they feels? What do they think? Do they like their food? Do they feel well or sick? Or many we want to know. We usually talk to them, and they seem like they know what we talking […]


9 Signs to Tell That Your Dog is Happy and Healthy

Occasionally pet owners would talk to their pet as if they understand both ways. Well, it’s not fully wrong idea to talk to your pets because in that way some people find it relaxing and result in stronger bonds with your dog. What I am trying to say is, people try to understand their dogs […]


10 Effective Methods To Treat Depression In Dog

Dog is a friendly and cheerful pet, and there are so many things dog can do to help us. We can train dog to be almost everything. From a shepherd dog, rescue dog, police dog, even therapy dog. Its ability to understand what we want is extremely amazing. Dog’s ability to make our life easier […]


12 Ways to Understand Your Dog’s Wishes – Must Learn!

To be able to understand your dog’s wishes, you need to communicate with your dog. Just as when we want to understand the wishes of others (person), we communicate, as do our dogs. This is what you need to realize first. Dogs certainly cannot speak, thats why you need to know about ways to understand […]


7 Ways To Understand Your Dog’s Wishes

Dog loves yummy treats. It loves nice chewing toys. Even more, dog loves spending time to play and goof around. There are so many things that dog wants to have and to do. The hurdle, since dog doesn’t speak human’s language, it’s hard for them to convey their wishes. Sometimes, we as the owner don’t […]


25 Reasons Your Dog is Suddenly Lethargic and Weak – Look closely!

In general, dogs like to eat a lot and are energetic. But there are also weak dogs, and we have to know how to handle a weak dog. What are the cause your dog is suddenly lethargic and weak? What needs to be done if your dog is suddenly lethargic and weak? These are important […]


20 Warning Signs That You Must Take Your Dog to The Vet – Immediate Handling

Symptoms of the disease in dogs can vary, ranging from mild to severe and requires medical treatment. Some of the symptoms that a dog has may indicate a disease, but it is not a severe type of disease and does not require immediate treatment. Other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, difficulty breathing or […]


5 Ways To Know That Your Pet Dog Know Your Sadness

Everyone know that dog has a very sensitive ears and nose. Quick fun facts, dog can hear voices up to 8.000 Hertz while human only up to 2.000 Hertz. It can hear voices that so small or so far away. It’s nose is also a blessing, it can smell 10.000 times better than ours! Due […]