
How to Help Cat that Can’t Pee

Sometimes, cat can shows us a strange act. One of the strange act from the  cat is when they suddenly not active like the usual days before. This can be a FLUTD disease, or a disease that make a cat can’t pee.  To help you overcome this problem, here is the article about how to […]


How to Help Cat That Has Trouble Walking

Many cats are very active in their daily activities. But, there are some cases where a cat has a trouble to walk normally like cats in usual. This trouble might be an ataxia disease. Ataxia is a condition that usually produces trouble walking, balance issues and other signs like weakness or lethargy and vomiting. This […]


How to Train a Cat to Obey Your Command

Cat is a very active animal. Sometimes, it is also be hyperactive, and it is hard to make it to obey our command. It cat just love to do everything on its own, without paying attention to what its owner want. This is actually a normal thing from a cat. But, you can learn how […]


How to Train Your Cat to Come When Called

Cats are animals that are notoriously stubborn, but even the most stubborn cats can be trained. Cats can be trained to recognize their names by learning their motivations and behavior, then do some simple training techniques. After the cat knows its name, he will approach you when get called. In order to make it, you […]


How To Deal With Your Adopted Cat’s First Night At Home

If you have a pet cat or dog, introducing this new animal to your family will affect your future relationship. There are some right and wrong ways to do this. In order for new cats to feel welcome but not to irritate or hate old pets, you have to spend some time and be patient. […]


How To Keep Cats Out From Sleeping On The Sand

Having a pet is a special experience. This is because pet can make our life be more colorful. They love to seek for our attention, with their funny acts. One of the animal that can be a good animal to keep as a pet is cat. Cat is the common animal that can be found […]


16 Effective Ways To Keep Stray Cats Out Of Your House

Cat is a common animal that can be found anywhere. But some people don’t like when the stray cat just get inside or be around their house. This is because the cat usually just love to stay and ask for food to the stranger, and this is definitely a thing that not all people love. […]


12 Ways To Keep Stray Cats Out Of Your Beloved Garden

A lot of people have a garden in their house. This is considered as a hobby, and garden is a good thing to keep in your house’s yard. But, the common annoying thing for the garden is when a stray cat approach and play around your garden. There are indeed various situations when dealing with […]


5 Easy Ways To Stop Cats From Lying In The Litter Box

Have a cat as your pet is one of the best thing for a happy and warm situation in your house. This is because cat knows how to entertain people, and they can give the warm feeling for you. But sometimes, they might show some strange thing to us as the owner. One of the […]


Why Dog Suddenly Stop During a Walk?

*Bark Hello there fellow dog lovers!. How are you and your dog doing?. Indeed we always hope you guys will be in a good shape always and no harm shall interrupt your incredible relationship with your dog, obviously we all know that dog is the most loyal pet for human, even adorable cat could not […]