Animal A-Z

List of Animals Portrayed in The Lion King

The blockbuster remake of Disney’s 1994 The Lion King has captured the hearts of children and adults alike. With fans world wise, The Lion King franchise had also opened the hearts of many by raising their awareness to the wild life. We could say that viewers were not only able to enjoy the story plot […]

Animal A-Z

All Facts and Fakes About Animal Behaviorist

On the previous article, we know that the study of animal behavior is important for us. Animal behaviorism is a scientific study that involves investigating what animals do, for examples, we study how they find food resources, how they defend themselves from predators, how they choose their mates, reproduce, until how they raise their young.  […]

Animal A-Z

How to Encounter the Problems of Endangered Mammals

Today, we are facing a problem with endangered animals. The list of the species is going on and on. We know that endangered species is a type or group of organisms that are at risk of becoming extinct. The main reason why the species become endangered are due to the loss of habitat from the […]

Animal A-Z

Get to know Scope Study of Animal Behaviour Here

Do you know that your cat can have emotion? Cats can give you sign when they cry with yowling and watery eyes! In fact, it is not only a cat who can experience an emotion such as fear, rage, or lust. Every animal can do. They also react to their surrounding, just like they are […]

Animal A-Z

Relationship Between Nature and Animal; Will They Ever be Separated?

Nature, for short, is everything that is normally not made by human. We also like to refer to nature as a geology or wildlife phenomena, where living animals and plants exist and live. It can also refer to weather or climates, which are truly something that out of our controls and intervention.  Talking about nature, […]

Animal A-Z

8 Interesting Facts about Hyena

Hyenas are not as common as their tiger and lion cousins – and some might even argue on where they are part of the feline, wolf, or dog family – but they are a prominent carnivore well recognised by unsuspecting preys. Hyenas are a part of the wolf family, and could be spot by from […]

Animal A-Z Bear

The Distinctive Features Of A Polar Bear

Distinct for their large exteriors and thick furs, polar bears are a well known subspecies of the bear family. Their natural habitats are concentrated on chillier places up in the artic, and their furs blend in with their environment. Sound-wise, polar bears are impossible to distinguished from a honey bear’s roar – but that does […]

Animal A-Z

6 Easy and Simple Ways to Catch Cricket

Talking about insects, which one of it is cricket. Do you know this animal? Where it is common to meet around paddy field or other grassy area. Cricket is an insect that is brother to grasshopper. Its loud voice every night almost wake people up. Don’t you ever heard it? Another animal that is also […]

Animal A-Z Wild Animal

Having their Brains a lot Bigger than Us, How Smart are the Elephants?

A lot of researchers devoted their lives to observed all the wild animals that roamed the wildlife. The example is the observation of bear’s life, how they live their life, their habitual and behavioral, their natural habitat, and etc; that observation happened not only to bear, but to every single species on earth – animals […]

Animal A-Z

6 Guide Of Making A Rat Your Pet, Stop The Bad Prejudice

What is your favorite animal for pet? Some people would love to pick a cute kitten or puppies. Some other pet exotic animals like parrots, iguanas, or even snakes. Now, how about rats as a pet? Yes, you read it right. Rats are possible to be your option for a pet. Rats is not as bad […]