25 Reasons Your Dog is Suddenly Lethargic and Weak – Look closely!

In general, dogs like to eat a lot and are energetic. But there are also weak dogs, and we have to know how to handle a weak dog. What are the cause your dog is suddenly lethargic and weak? What needs to be done if your dog is suddenly lethargic and weak? These are important […]

20 Warning Signs That You Must Take Your Dog to The Vet – Immediate Handling

Symptoms of the disease in dogs can vary, ranging from mild to severe and requires medical treatment. Some of the symptoms that a dog has may indicate a disease, but it is not a severe type of disease and does not require immediate treatment. Other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, difficulty breathing or […]

5 Ways To Know That Your Pet Dog Know Your Sadness

Everyone know that dog has a very sensitive ears and nose. Quick fun facts, dog can hear voices up to 8.000 Hertz while human only up to 2.000 Hertz. It can hear voices that so small or so far away. It’s nose is also a blessing, it can smell 10.000 times better than ours! Due […]

7 Signs That A Dog Secretly Upset At You

Dog is a great company, and it is proved by the amount of people who choose dog as their life companion. Most people choose dog because dog is a great pet to help in mostly everything. Dog can help either physical or mental problem in a person. There are lots of news telling about rescue […]

How To Tell That Your Dog Is Truly Sad

Dog is one of people’s favorite pet, since it has the ability to sense people’s feelings and gives a good response to it. For those dog lovers, they will mostly cuddle with their dog whenever they feel sad or angry over something. But did you know that dog also have feelings and they can also […]

How to Make a Dog Listen and Obey to You Outside

Nothing beats a long walk with your four-legged friend on sun bath, sandy beach. Or seeing the joy on their faces as they pick up the ball and they know it is play time in the local park. Even hanging out on the couch at home feels great on each other company. It is true […]

How to Make a Puppy to Listen When They Won`t

Big eyes, cute bark, furry face, and a long list of why we love puppies. We just can not get enough of them that we immediately say yes to adopt a puppy. Often the time i hear a question like “how to make a puppy to listen when they won’t”, because pet owners get exhausted […]

How to Make a Dog Listen to Your Command

Being a pet owner of a dogs has given me opportunity to gain power over them. Sometimes i forgot that i am even human anymore when around them. While playing as a god -pet owners, i mean- the dogs will follow general rules, they sit when we told them to and speak when we told […]

15 Effective Methods to Treat Depression in Dog – Trusted

When your dog is depressed, you must be confused about what you have to do so that your dog can feel happier and not depressed anymore. There are several causes for dogs to experience depression, which you need to know first. The cause of each dog experiencing depression can vary. Know the cause of the […]

10 Reasons That Your Dog Won`t Listen to You

The life of your pet dogs is in danger if they don’t listen to you anymore. Dogs learn by training and socialize with human and other dogs. And by learning, this include disobeying your commands. This can happen when you are no longer in charge to correct their behavior. take by example, a well trained […]