All You Need to Know about Pygmy Rabbit

Rabbit breeds are divided into many species, the examples of the popular ones are Holland Lop, Flemish Giant Rabbit, Mix Rex Rabbit, Angora Rabbit, and others. There’s a lot of reasons why people love to pet rabbit, the first thing and primarily reasons – of course rabbit’s adorable features. Rabbit is just look alike furry […]

2 Things that Must be Considered when You Buy The Rabbit Cage

Small pets are the best option for you who interesting to keep animal as pet in limited space. The animals such chinchilla, hamster, guinea pig, and rabbit are the best option for you. But, however, there are people – since the beginning – are attracted to small pets, because (commonly) small pets are gifted with […]

How to Choose The Friendly Rabbit Toys

Rabbit and rabbit, who doesn’t adore this beautiful wonderful little creature? I believe no one. As one of the most favorite small pet among other, rabbits has seized people’s heart. However, there are other competitors to pay attention as chinchilla, hamster, and guinea pig; but, rabbits should never be worry about it, they still have […]

4 Cute Facts of Chinchilla You Must Know

Small pet animal become the perfect choices for people who have limited space inside their house.  Animal such as pet hamster, guinea pig, rabbit and chinchilla become of the most popular species of pets. It’s all depend on each individual personal preference; you might be the one who love rabbit as your pet, because as […]

7 Ways on How to Keep Hamster Odorless

How to make hamster odorless? You might be one of this cute animal owner or you are just so in love with this animal. Yes, hamster is one of the cutest animals, with its thin whiskers which show its uniqueness. There are 7 Kinds of Cute and Unique Hamster in The World. Hamster is one […]

8 Signs of Dying Hamster that are Easy to be Seen

Having a pet at home is really is different, because not most people can do it considering that not every people love animals. One more that you need to know is hamster, which its shape similar to a rat although it is categorized as rat. Hamster is not a rat because both of them are […]

3 Things You need to Know about Pet A Squirrel

Long time ago, perhaps no one would ever imagine that squirrel would be a good companion, not these days ladies and gentlemen; in these present days, people start to fascinated to keep squirrels as pet. There are several species that become the most preferable type to keep such as flying squirrels, ground squirrels, eastern gray […]

4 Kinds of Baby Hamster Food Based on Their Ages

Hamster is a cute animal with soft fur. A lot of people say that this animal is a mouse, but the truth is, it is not. It isn’t right if hamster is a mouse, although both of them are rodent animal, hamster isn’t part of pest like mouse do. Beside, hamster is cuter with a […]

3 Popular Reasons Why Sugar Glider could Make A Good Pet

Hello good people, welcome back to AnimalLova. Sugar glider as a pet? Who wouldn’t want it? This adorable little marsupial creature could be the perfect pet to keep inside your house. But, however, we can’t deny that a lot of controversy surround the legality and code ethic for keeping sugar glider as pet. It’s been […]

5 Reasons to be Sure that Doves make Good Pets

Birds are one of the most beautiful species among wild animals that roamed the sky of the wildlife. It’s not surprising anymore why a lot of people love to keep them as pets. Also, there are many of common bird species being domesticated animals such as lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars, cockatiels, parakeets, etc. You might also […]