How can Marmoset Monkey Learn the New Dialect?

Nature and animal never can be separated. Nature was the only home of all the wild animals in all species of it; it’s a gift from mother earth that should not be taken from them. It is so much fun to learn how this wildlife live their life among the nature. How fascinating to found […]

3 Unique facts about Red Deer when Giving Birth

Giving birth is the process that every female creatures on earth would experience. For pets, you need to how to help them even if you alone at home. The afterward affect was also experienced by some pets animals – most of the time it’s associated with animals’ changed behaviors and each individual is different. What […]

How can Rhino Horn will be Created by Horse Hair?

Rhinos are on the list of threatened species among other wild animals species on earth. The extinction occurred due the loss of habitat; as we know nature and animal are inseparable. Therefore, many movements had been done to save animals before they extinct, included in rhinos’ cases. Where you could see rhinos? Well, the easier […]

This Deadly Virus will Infect the Marine Mammals when Arctic Ice is Melting

Deadly virus has disturbed the living creatures for a long time. Virus was known for its ability to infect human and non-human, such as cancer and tumor. Although we knew that not every tumor leads to death, but it still potentially grow into dangerous cancer. Another viruses that in reality effected human and non-human creatures […]

Amazing Facts of Black Rhino Who Lives in America

Welcome back! Today’s topic is about a wild animal. It is black rhinoceros! You probably ever heard about them, right? The black rhinoceros, blak rhino for short, or also known as the hook-lipped rhinoceros. You can find them in the wild of eastern to southern Africa, like Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and […]

How Can Ebola Infects The Gorilla?

You probably already heard about the Ebola virus right? The news once became headlines everywhere especially during the outbreaks in Uganda. Ebola virus infects humans and non-humans as well as primates and pigs. Ebola virus called Zaire ebolavirus and the illness caused by the virus called EVD or Ebola virus disease. Everyone is being concerned […]

Why does Take a Picture with the Animals are Forbidden to Do?

Mother earth gifted to us the wildlife among us so that we would not become the only creature (human) on this earth, and we should glad for it. Not only the natures spread magnificent around us, but also all the wonderful wild animals that roamed in it. There’s nothing you could ask to compare with […]

Wild Animals Banned in Circus; How’s Their Mental Health Condition

Have you ever seen the announcement of animal circus? Or, have you ever attended one of them? We all know, under the colorful spotlights, sparks, and confetti, animal circus looks extravagant. It is ecstatic to see elephants in colorful hat playing with balls, tigers jumping into ring fires, or dolphins that swim beautifully with human. […]

3 Side Effects of Riding Elephant for Itself

Wild animals are gifted from The Creator and mother nature to fill the this beautiful and magnificent earth. Could you even picture nature without the wildlife among it? It’s totally nonsense. Relationship between nature and animal is inseparable. It’s like a heart and other organs inside a body: you can’t live without one another. Therefore, […]

4 Types of House Spider and The Benefits

Most people will remind us not to kill a spider, why? Yeah, it is because that not every spider is poisonous and dangerous. Spider house is type of spider that we commonly see, and they would likely to stay at your house. There are also another spider species that are poisonous, but house spider is […]