3 Ways to Take Care of Hamster After Giving Birth

When you already know everything about your hamster’s pregnancy, it would be much easier for you to take care of them. You will know how they’re going to behave, what to do with the cage, what do to with other hamster, what to do with the food. You will know on how to handle them in general […]

2 Easy Ways to Care for Mother Hamster With Its Babies

You probably think when your hamster become a mother and has babies you will have a hard time to take care of them. As you will take care of more hamster and that apart from the mother you will take care of the babies. It would be okay to think that way if it’s your […]

How to Have Fun Playing with Your Hamster Outdoors

When you had hamster, it will be your new hobby to watching them playing and running around in their cage. If you had an active hamster then it would be even more fun to watch them play in their cage. But as much as they’re having fun in their cage, every once in a while, […]

3 Ways to Keep Your Hamster Outside Safely

While it is a good idea to let your hamster to play outside of the cage, it could also have some risk. But even though like that you still need to let them out every once in a while. It’s not good to keep your hamster in the cage the whole time. If you keep […]

3 Dangerous Mistakes That Owners Make to Hamster

If it’s your first time having a hamster, of course there would be some trial and error. You would make some mistakes while take care of your hamster. But nevertheless, you need to keep researching about your hamster and try to not make the same mistakes or another more mistakes. You choose to pet a […]

How To Take Care A Mommy Hamster After Giving Birth

Many beginners are confused, how to take care a mommy hamster after giving birth? So, below here there are some solutions to take care of your mommy hamster at home. Let’s check it out what are the solutions. 1. Take out the male hamster Please take out the male hamster before mommy hamster giving birth. […]

8 Ways To Bath Hamster Properly (must know!)

Are the hamsters really need to bath? What are the reasons the hamster need to bath? Yes, hamsters need to bath, for some conditions, we need to bath hamster properly. How the ways to bath your hamster properly? Let’s check these out the 8 ways to bath hamster properly (must know) 1. Your lovely hamster […]

10 Tips To Take Care Of A Pregnant Hamster At Home

Is your hamster pregnant? How to take care of a pregnant hamster at home? The following below here there are 10 tips to take care of a pregnant hamster at home. These tips may help you out how to handle a hamster mother. There are several rules that you must do. So, let’s check these […]

10 Basic Tips To Be A Good Hamster Owner

Hamster is really easy to take care, and it is a really friendly animal. It is no high-risk while taking good care of the hamster. So, how is to be a good hamster owner?  This question is also be in mind of the beginner. It is their first time to take care of this little […]

How to Take Care of Your Pregnant Hamster at Home

If you already sure that your hamster is pregnant by seeing the symptoms or taking the hamster to the vet, then this is the right article for you. Because we will discuss about the next step you have to do after you confirm that your hamster is pregnant. In here we will be talking about […]